Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Girls

These two.
They are quite dedicated to one another and quite hilarious and quite weird! Would you believe me when I tell you that when they were younger, they were the two children who got along the least well?  True.  Nowadays they are attached at the hip!
On this Sunday a couple weeks back they delighted themselves making a cake and chocolate love decorations and they wore their matching skeleton Halloween pajamas.  
And then they took it up a notch.  May I present a work they call Art Life.
I have no words.  Except they are getting weirder and I like it.  Even if I don't understand their art.
I don't think I am their target audience.  To be honest, I think they are their own target audience!
Peace out.
Faith recently read a book for school called War Boy.  When the kids read a book they can write a report about it or complete a project of their own choosing.  Faith decided to built bonfires of German soldier dummies being burned on Guy Fawkes Day during WWII.
 No words...
...except, I suppose this is what engaged learning looks like? 
When I look back at pictures of the clever games and schemes the older came up with, I feel so happy that they had the time to create together.  I think of the hours they spent building upon their good ideas till their make-believe worlds became unwieldy and impractical and they moved on to their next good idea.  This week, just such an activity took place in our family room -- The Mini-Golf Gold Resort.  They made a miniature golf course with blocks.  They made golf clubs with PVC pipes.  They created various passes based on how many quarters customers could rummage up around the house and in couch cushions. 
A contract needed to be signed to ensure a pleasant mini-golf experience for all.
Mini-golf for all!
My girls. 
Has it really only been one week since Bethany was home?  I'm happy she is happy at BYU-Idaho.  I also wish is wasn't so far away.  
 Greta thinks she is a kitty.  She likes to drink her milk from a bowl.
And we encourage her.  
Back to these two.  They celebrated Elinor's 17th birthday last week with a little T-Swizzle (Taylor Swift) piano sing-along.  They may be weird, but they talented little weirdos:)
Okay, now back it Greta.  I am thankful for her every single day.  
Here are a couple pictures of Elinor's time down in St. George last weekend for USA Senior State.  
It's not often that the tallest one among them gets the up on the shoulder spot:)

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