Friday, March 6, 2020

March 6, 2020

At the end of our Sacrament meeting last weekend, a member of the Stake Presidency announced there would be a special meeting at 3:00 at the Stake center where stake boundaries changes would affect our ward.  We have about the smallest ward in the stake, so while we were fairly certain they wouldn't put any part of our ward in a different ward, there were some nerves.  These four little beauties were anxious that none of them be separated.  Their wishes were granted-- our old ward stays completely in tact, and we are getting another part of the neighborhood added to our ward boundaries.  Smiles all around (for our ward, anyway).
We were happy to see Clark for a quick visit this morning.  He stopped by to grab some camping equipment and "steal" a couple cans of chili and protein shakes.  I keep telling him it's not stealing if it is there for the taking.  I'm just glad we get so see him every now and then.  After not seeing him for two years, it is still a treat to be able to call him anytime and have him unexpectedly show up at the house.
A scooter ride with a ballet boy (George) is never just a scooter ride:)
  Aren't little kids awesome?  Can you even imagine two giants holding your body this way?  I'd be dead.  Greta was genuinely willing and happy.
Bethany had her symphony concert up at BYU-Idaho last week.  I miss being able to attend her concerts in person, but I am grateful they live stream them.  What a marvelous time we live in!  One of these days we'll make up there.
And we're back to these two little funnies.  They both had a piano recital last night. Faith did not have her best performance-- and "lucky" for her my camera ran out of storage part way through.  So when we got home she played it for me to video.  She even included her own special introduction😂

Elinor's piece went better-- believe it or not, this isn't the best she can do this, but it's still pretty darn good!

It is a treat to get to hear them practice 

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