Sunday, March 22, 2020

Family Time in a Pandemic

In this strange time of the Corona/COVID 19 pandemic there are a lot of concerns about the availability of health care and the impact on the economy.  We can practice social distancing to help with slowing the spread of the virus, but I'm not sure what can be done on our part in regards to the economy.  These are uncertain times.  But something I am certain of, is there will be many beautiful moments amid all the chaos.  I am seriously DIGGING the family time.  Family walks are a favorite.
Family game time.
Team Middle Kids got their scooters and they ride day and night.
On her way to becoming an "accomplished" young lady:) Am I the only one craving Jane Austen books and movies these days?
The Legos are essential for keeping little and not-so-little ones occupied.  The ballet bar to keep our dancers in shape while classes are cancelled.
Family read-aloud time.  We are on the 4th book in the Little House on the Prairie series--On the Banks of Plum Creek.  I love these books.  The "Little House Effect" has perhaps not been scientifically studied, but I swear, it is a real thing.  "The Little House Effect" is that when children and families are exposed to the content of these books, they are calmer, happier, more grateful, kinder, have realistic expectations of work and chores and limited desires for material things.  They are miraculous and I highly recommend them for all ages.
And Abe is working from home now and it is going really quite well!  Are we surprised that it is going well?  Actually, yes, a little.  We are loving having him closer all the time and where he can just pop downstairs to join us for lunch and breaks.  No commute time and not gas expenses. Can we just do this all the time?
Clark is in and out-- sometimes at his apartment in Provo, sometimes at work at Subway and sometimes home.  He brought his Heroscape to play a game with the siblings.
Bethany began her classes online this week and it went as smoothly as could have been expected.
Green waffles for St. Patricks Day-- although we were a day late.  Faith usually keeps her hair tightly contained in a bun or pony tail, but this was one of those rare moments when it is down.  Her hair is doing what several Cannon family members hair has done when they reach teenage years-- the texture has completely changed and I dare say she is headed towards a VERY curly head of hair.  We may need some advice for taming it!
The traditional St. Patty's Day leprechaun hunt.
So exciting!
Tradition is very good at times like this.
The boys had a Two Towers movie night.
This was the Saturday night before all the dine-in restaurants were closed on Monday.  Abe and I and Bethany and Ethan were going to go out to dinner together for Bethany's 19th birthday.  We decided to go to Olive Garden-- the same restaurant Elinor and her friend Joe would soon be arriving.  Did we know they were going there? Did we do this on purpose?  Why yes, we did:) The four of us ate our dinner, then went and surprised them.  They were good sports and it was it was good feelings all around.  

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