Sunday, March 6, 2022

Enjoying Life

One morning last week Faith convinced Greta to get dressed and get her hair done by declaring it Twin Day.  What a good big sister.  When I had them pose for a picture Greta said, "WAIT!  I have to do a gap in my toes!"

We like to tease Faith about her wide platypus feet and the gap between her toes.  Don't worry, she loves her feet.  I love how Greta couldn't be twins unless she matched her feet:)
Do you know what's better than Twins Day?  Triplets Day!  They are so good to include their mama.
Every Tuesday Cannon and I drop Faith off to swim team and then we have about an hour before he is dropped off to dance quite nearby.  So he and I have our weekly Costco date.  Here he is moon-walking through the Costco.  He entertains me:)
Geroge made what was intended to be a kitty mask/helmet for Greta.  It didn't turn out quite how he'd envisioned it.  We just call it the Silver Pig.  No matter.  Greta loved it and wore it gratefully.
Way to stay focused on your spelling, Pete.
Last week Abe and I took Bethany and Elinor and their dates to see Bright Star at the Hale Center Theater in Orem.  I love, love, love this play.  Go see it, you will not regret it and you will thank me for the recommendation.  In fact, we loved it so much that later in the run we are taking Cannon and Faith to see the alternate cast.  
A little over two years ago, Abe and I saw Bright Star shortly before the pandemic hit.  Bethany and I have been wanting to go see it together ever since.  We were SO HAPPY it opened at HTC Orem in time for us to go before she leaves on her mission.
For Abe and I, a date to the theater is the best kind of date.
We've been spoiled this week with going to plays.  On Monday night we went with Andrea and James and friends to see a new musical-- Something's Rotten.  It was quite entertaining. 
Peter has enjoyed playing Texas-Opoly lately.  Clark sent this game home to us for Christmas when he was on his mission.  The kids have played this game A LOT-- and now with Bethany about to head to Texas for her mission, it's experiencing a resurgence. 
I'll do a lot of things with my kids, but I confess I cannot stomach playing Monopoly with them.  I love that Abe can and will.
Bethany wanted to host a murder mystery for her birthday with a few of her YPM friends.  Of course, this is a group that understood the assignment:)
It was my pleasure to prepare and serve them dinner.  Partly because I got to be nearby and listen to them play the game.  They're a lot of fun.
In this mystery their was a character from each decade of the 1900s
The story involved a time machine, so of course, Geroge stepped up and made them a time machine.  He's pretty awesome that way. 

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