Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday Evening March 27 2022

St. Patty's Day is a simple, but fun affair at our house.  A little treasure hunt with clues left by our local leprechaun.  

It's short and sweet, and it gets the job done:)  I don't know why George is making that face.

We helped the Schramms celebrate their anniversary with a lovely dinner at Black Bear Diner.  See, the thing is, I have discovered their cheeseburger salad.  It might not sound like much, but it really hits the spot for me.  So, I shared my newfound love of Black Bear Diner's cheeseburger salad with Camille, who is already a fan of cheeseburger salads in general.  We decided we all (except Abe) needed to go enjoy them together.  By the end of the dinner and after much raving over how good it was, Abe decided we needed to come again soon so he, too, could partake!
It's an important day in a young man's life when he first moves into his parents' basement.  Cannon is over the moon excited to have a little more space to himself, albeit an unfinished basement room.
I love the concentration.
Abe, Clark, Faith, and I went to a production of The Lamb of God.  I don't know how I've never seen/heard this beautiful music before, but it was so good.  I loved it and hope to repeat the experience every Easter season. 
Bethany's Nauvoo missionary friend Dallin was one of the soloists (so good!)  
Having just sent Bethany off this week, it was a treat to get to sit with several of her performing missionary friends.
This past Saturday morning Abe and George were able to go to the temple.  This was George's first time getting to do baptisms at the temple.
Many thanks to Ryan and Jake Butterfield for the invitation to attend with them.
Cannon spent the day competing in a speech and debate tournament.  This one was online (a throwback from our COVID days).  He competed in extemporaneous and loved it!  He was so happy to place sixth out of .... well, I don't know how many--- at least 15 competitors.
Look who learned to ride her bike on Saturday!!!! That's the last one!  

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