Sunday, May 22, 2022

Catch-Up: Brothers Fox Edition


George, our local creative genius, designed and made these cool masks.  I can totally tell when George's creative juices are flowing because he slowly paces around the house with one arm folded and the other hand sort of holding his chin.  He never announces his plans.  He just quietly starts collecting supplies from around the house. Next thing we know, he's made something quite ingenious.

Here's another example.  Using a baseball cap rim, a piece of rope he found in the garage, a plastic hanger with clips,duct tape and a paper towel holder, he created a basketball hoop that clipped onto the kitchen trash can.
So cool!
Peter recently successfully tested for his red belt in taekwondo.
I think that is Master Kim's happy face:)
I don't know the story of this picture, but I like it.
One day George woke up with a swollen eye.  We don't know why, and it went back to normal after a couple of hours.  Weird.
Peter created a board game called "Space Race".  We all got an opportunity to play it with him.  Remarkably Peter won every round of the game he created!  But it was a pretty great game.
We got an official scoreboard for our corn hole games.  Cannon and Peter are good scorekeepers for the Cornucopias.
We went to go see my cute niece play the role of Rafiki in her school's play of The Lion King.  I am not exaggerating when I say she was incredible!  She was, by far, the best singer and actor up there.  Like, really, really good,  I had no idea she had that in her and it so, so fun to watch her.
Peter was recently hanging out with his good friend, Kate, and he got to tag along running an errand to Lowe's to get plants.  
Then he got to go back and help work in their garden.  Hey, somebody's got to teach my kids to work!
Last weekend was Zach's mission farewell.  He's headed to San Antonio, Texas.  These guys have been D&D friends for many, many years.
Abe took George to go see the new Dr. Strange movie.  Cannon had already seen it with a dance friend.  George was excited to get some one-on-one time with Abe.
Once again, I don't know the story behind this picture.  I believe it was taken at an activity days with the 7 to 11-year-old boys in our ward.  One of the leaders sent it to me.  I feel like it needs a really clever caption.
If I deny them video games long enough they will find way better things to do.  Peter built a cool marble run/dominos set up.  
Abe had a very sweet and thoughtful visit from his high school seminary teacher, George Sims.  He said he was at a nearby temple and the spirit told him to go visit Abe Fox.  So he did.  I hope I'm that kind of person.

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