Sunday, February 5, 2023

January 2023 Part 2


Central Utah Ballet's Senior Company participated in YAGP.  Click here to see a video of a parent performance they did just previous to the competition.

It doesn't happen often, but it is such a treat when it does-- going out with the former Stake Young Men's Presidency that Abe was a part of a few years back.  We are all still good friends, and there are not many people I enjoy more than this group.  Good, good people.
Elinor and I had the best time visiting Asian City-- a supermarket for all things Asian.  We went in preparation for Korean New Year on Feb. 22nd.  We had invited Brandon's family over to celebrate and we wanted to get some Korean snack foods.  I was not brave enough to actually try to cook any Korean food.  But I will say, there are some really tasty treats to be had at Asian City!  I had to remind myself that just because I can't read the entire food label, does not mean I ought to eat as much as I want of said treat.
We had a lovely time-- we ate, we played games and it was great to get to know them better.
They taught us an advanced Korean version of Rock, Paper, Scissors.  It was way fun!
Peter and his buddies.  I adore this picture.

Abe had a birthday!
We had a little family dinner and celebration.
Greta had her first real violin recital last weekend.  She did so well.  Click here to hear her performances.
We love her teacher, Diane, so much!
Peter did well at his taekwondo testing last weekend.  He is on the last belt before his black belt but it takes about six months to be able to test for his black belt.

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