Sunday, November 5, 2023

Halloween Festivities 2023


The ward indoor Trunk or Treat was a smash hit, although I didn't attend because of the 'Rona.  Peter and Eric

Abe and Ryan.  Ryan sports this look pretty much every year, but it never gets old.  It's always funny to me.

Bethany and cousin Talitha and their menfolk at Cornbellies.

Annual Sunday family pumpkin carving day!  This is one of my favorite Sundays of the year-- such happy feelings abound.  
Mind you, I, myself carve no pumpkins, but I do make a pretty good support person-- making soup and baking cookies.
It is such a joy to have adult children come home for a visit.  We adore Elinor and Brandon and we especially like that they bring Baby Daniel.  He's a favorite at our house.
"O, Canada"
Greta wanted a leaf on her pumpkin-- Canadian Maple leaf it is.
Ben and Beth
The Halloween masterpieces of 2023.  Pumpkins of note---
--bottom right-- A tribute to Faith's love of all shoes Crocs
--bottom left-- George's simple, yet super creepy big smile
--top right--- Clark's I love pi

The next day Faith had some swim friends over to carve pumpkins.  Faith and Braxton have been swim buddies for a very long time, and now they are both seniors in their final year swimming together.
The cell phone shining in the pumpkin trick?  How did I not know this until now?
Note Faith's pumpkin-- RIP BOOG.  That is in memory of the janky little green and black car Faith was utterly devoted to.  She drove into the ground until it died and their was no recalling it to life.  The tragedy took place back in early August, but her healing has been slow.  I feel like carving this pumpkin was an important part of her grieving process.  

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