Sunday, April 28, 2024

Wedding Prep

To someone who knows actual flower arranging, I'm sure they would be horrified to learn that Bethany and I-- having ZERO experience or knowledge-- decided we were qualified to do the flowers for the wedding.  

What inspired this completely unfounded confidence?  It's very hard to say, but I believe it was a combination of poor taste and a desire to save money:)
You want boutonierres?  Yeah, I'm sure we can figure out to do that.
Flowers for days.

And weeks and months.
Enough of the flowers already.

Andrea was so good to host a bridal shower for Bethany at Plumfield downtown.  It was so lovely and all those good women were so generous in supporting Bethany.
Andrea gifted Bethany this incredible handmade quilt.  

Bethany enjoyed sharing a couple fun stories about their dating and engagement.
Then Kim (Ben's mom) and I told our part of their story of "encouraging" a first date. I love this picture of Bethany and Kim.  



We busted out my wedding dress and Bethany tried it on for fun.
This was such a fun moment at the bridal dress rental store when Bethany ran into Lily, one of her Nauvoo Performing Missionaries who just so happened to be getting married the exact same day as Bethany. A happy little reunion.
Look!  It's me third wheeling along with the happy couple on their way to take bridal photos.
They didn't do a "first look", but it was pretty sweet when he came over to get her to drive to the bridals and they saw each other in their wedding clothes.  
Overall, the wedding planning was fast and furious and everything went beautifully, just as they hoped, and it was such a relief to have it done!


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