Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fall Water Polo 2019

We left Las Vegas Saturday morning and arrived in Cedar City just in time for Elinor's 2nd water polo game of the day.  Herriman teams left home super early Saturday morning to get there for the one day tournament.
Cute Raven (Andrea's daughter) attends SUU and she joined us for the game.  She's basically another daughter to us and it was lovely to spend time with her.
We are in the thick of fall water polo season for these two beautiful gals.  Elinor is playing Varsity and JV and Faith is playing on the 14 and under team.  Friday nights and Saturdays are filled with lots of games for them and lots of dance classes for the boys.  And I wouldn't have it any other way:)
Elinor usually plays goalie for the Varsity team and she's been playing field for the JV.  At her Friday night game she scored 5 of the 8 points for the win!  It was so fun to watch.
Such fun, cute, tough girls.
I am so happy Elinor and Faith get to do this water polo/ swimming thing together.

Faith is just itching for more time in the pool.  She really wanted to start practicing at 5:00 am with the high schoolers in addition to her development teams practices in the afternoons.  I told her she was welcome to go ask the coach if she could.  So she did and he said she could.  So there you go.  It's never hurts to ask.
Well, it is going to hurt waking up at 4:20, but she can't wait.

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