Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day 2019

The morning got off to a most lovely start-- with a Facebook Messenger video chat with Clark.  He was in great spirits and I don't want to freak anyone out-- but 100 days, baby!  He comes home in 100 days.
We spent most of the day at Hauser Lake enjoying perfect weather and perfect company.
I personally do not like to swim in lakes-- grosses me out.  I understand many people find public, chemically treat swimming pools to be disgusting.  That's fine.  They can swim in lakes and I will enjoy better living through chemicals.  So while I didn't want to get in the water-- I quite enjoyed watching everyone else swim in such a picturesque setting.
Faith and Cannon were ready to chicken fight.
George jumping in.
The sand diggers and seaweed collectors.
Cannon and Jessica jumping in
Ford and Bethany before heading out kayaking-- we are all in agreement--FORD IS AWESOME!  I have charged him to keep an eye on Bethany at college.  She is in good hands.
Peter enjoying a hot stone massage:)
John and Faith.  The water must have been cold-- I wouldn't know.
They spent a long time trying to catch a fish with that green net.  In the end, they were unsuccessful, they seem to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Tough guys!  They seem so young but this much we now know-- they will be grown up and off on missions and college before we know it.  
If Labor Day is the unofficial last day of summer, then we ended summer on a very good note.
We went to Roger's in Post Falls for burgers and shakes.  Yummy.
Greta was plum tuckered about and slept on Abe through the whole meal.
Tomorrow we head home, and while we aren't quite tuckered out, we are looking forward to getting back home.  This trip has been everything we hoped it would be and we're feeling pretty fortunate to have such a place to go with such loving family to go to.
As I write this, the big cousins are jamming and singing together.  The little kids are enthusiastically hunting little critters around the house.  It's a good night and it's been a very good Labor Day.

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