Sunday, September 1, 2019

Happiness on the Hill

We arrived Thursday evening and it was happiness all around.  That moment when you walk into the cabin and take in the first smell of the logs.  Ahhh..... so, so good.
We've come here to Spokane at least once a year since Abe and I were married-- and this house has been around for 20 of those years.  It is a magical place of fun and love and safety and family and the gospel and my children love it more than anywhere else on earth. 
The best part of being here is seeing Abe's mom-- Grandma Fox.  She seems to be doing better than she has for several years and it's been so nice to spend time with her and talk with her.  Even though our kids aren't able to be around her a lot, they love her and they KNOW she loves them.  She's pretty amazing that way.

Abe made a bacon and eggs breakfast on Friday.
Elinor and I hiked down and up the hill. It takes about an hour.  Going down is pretty quick-- getting back up is another:)  Elinor is beast and I was huffing and puffing to try to keep up with her.
Always in ninja training mode-- Elinor rolled under the gate at the bottom of the hill...
... and she rolled under the Fox gate-- that was a tighter squeeze.
She did an upper body arm workout with rocks while she walked a bunch of the way.  Show off!:)
It's so beautiful you almost can't believe it's real.
Driving the golf cart around the house is the joy of their existence. 
Air hockey is a popular activity upstairs.
Greta discovered the playroom-- and she like what she found!
So many times Grandpa Fox would sit down with one of the grandchildren and play a game of checkers with them.  So when Abe sat down with Faith it made my heart happy.
Then, when Bethany's beloved cousin Talitha arrived at the Hill, there was a whole lotta happy in the room.  Talitha is a GEM of a gal and they've been inseparable this weekend.
They are so much fun.
George, Asher, and Jessica
Faith and John
Friday night was a cousins temple trip to the Spokane temple.  From left to right-- Abby, Moses, Elinor, Faith, Talitha, and Bethany.
The whole group from left to right:  Abe, Elinor, Abby, Hyrum, me, Ford, Faith, Moses, Talitha, Ruth, Bethany, Michael, and Samatha.  Our time at the temple was simply heavenly.
This was just our carload before we went in.
We went back to the Calls for cobbler and ice cream and visiting afterwards. 
Uncle Michael was so sweet doing puzzles and getting acquainted with Greta.  When we come up to Spokane in the summer for the big family reunion it is really fun-- almost too much fun with so much family and mayhem.  This is really special to be up here and spending quality one-on-one time with the families who live up here. 
Saturday morning Abe and I hiked the hill.  It was awesome, but man! After two hill hikes in as many days, my calves are so sore!  I feel crippled.
Abe and the kids are enjoying so much playtime together.  
Grandma keeps left over plastic food containers for grandchildren to capture little critters.  
Abe caught a little baby bull snake on our hill hike.  Clark will be so proud!
Cannon had fun on this ancient toy that has been around for about 50 years and still is one of the most versatile, most played with toys at the hill.  
Leave it to the ballet boy to get in a little yoga workout while on vacation.
Uncle Jesse with Peter Jesse.
One of the highlights of a trip to Spokane is a double date with Jesse and Amy.  This one was to Le Peep in Coeur d'Alene, ID.  It was so good to talk with them about the new stage of life we are going into with adult children.  We had our babies at the same time and now we're all having adult children at the same time.  They had great perspective and ideas that I really appreciated.
Beautiful cousin friends.

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