Monday, September 2, 2019

Sunday in Spokane

Team Middle Kids and their menagerie of wildlife captured on the hill.  As of this post I believe the count stands at 3 snakes, 1 toad, 3 little frogs (which they call tree frogs, but do not, in fact, reside in the rain forest).  So yeah, guess who is probably coming home with us tomorrow?  Peter keeps asking me to commit to bringing the animals home-- which I haven't done.  Today he pleaded, "Mom, please don't care if they stink!"
And in other Peter-isms--- yesterday he went rather unwillingly to Jesse and Amy's ward's primary.  When the chorister announced they were going to sing "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam" he loudly whispered-- "THAT IS SO EASY!  My other Primary is advanced with me in it!  That's so easy".
So, you know, a big shout out to our advanced Primary choristers back home:)
George was pretty excited to get a snake bite.  Clark would be so proud. 
Sunday morning before church we went to visit Grandpa's grave.  It was special to get to go there with Grandma and hear her stories.  Grandpa would be pretty proud of all his children and grandchildren.
I suppose in a big family, you treasure the one-on-one moments all the more.  Cannon Jolley with Kathleen Jolley.
Bethany had stayed the night at her cousin Talitha's house so she wasn't at the cemetery with us. 
Luckily, she and Talitha made a visit on their own.  We all love and miss Grandpa.  It's hard to believe it has already been three years since he passed away.  Grandma likes telling the grand kids all about her "Sweetheart".
A smattering of the family gathered for a delicious rib dinner on Sunday.
We celebrated Joe and Ruth's birthdays.  For as musically talented as so much of the family is, you've never heard worse renditions of "Happy Birthday".  Just when you think it couldn't get worse-- it does.
One of the best things about this trip has been Bethany getting to spend time with cousins who will also be at BYU- Idaho this fall.  They've really encouraged her and helped her feel more comfortable knowing she will have great friend/cousins so close.
Aunt Amy invited a couple young adults from her side of the family up to the hill to hangout with our young adults.  One of the joys of getting older is the great fun of a little matchmaking here and there:)
Elinor and Annie are 16 and Abby is 15.  They seem to have a had a great weekend together.  I couldn't say for sure, because they are usually off chatting by themselves.  I did dare to interrupt their time for a few pictures. 
They are beauties.
Ooh--Blue Steel

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