Thursday, January 2, 2020

Christmas Morning 2019

It was a late, late night for Santa this year.  How did Santa forget to pack an instruction booklet for assembling a drum set?!  Thank goodness for YouTube videos!
As you can see, it was a very musical (and very loud) Christmas this year. 
The line-up picture
 The race down the stairs
I love how Elinor grabbed little Greta so she didn't get trampled.
A drum set was the only thing George asked for.
Cannon got an electric guitar.  We got a digital piano/keyboard.  Faith wanted a trumpet.  The basement band is born!
Faith got a swim parka/deck coat for all of her swimming and water polo.  She'll especially appreciate it come snowy 5:00 am water polo mornings.  Brrr
We didn't get a picture of Elinor and her new swim bag and suit and snorkel.  Basically, swimmers get swim equipment for birthdays and holidays:)
The easy and not-so-easy Hamilton music for Elinor and Cannon.
Bethany is such a thoughtful gift giver.  It's not something I think I am very good at, but my mom was an exceptional gift giver, and I really appreciate that about them both.  She gave me this Willow Tree figurine and a wonderful letter.  It was a very tender moment on Christmas morning.
Peter was excited to get some Legos.
Peter wanted a watch with hands--not a digital watch. 
Abe wanted a new griddle and new crocs.  Such a DAD!
A fancy new hair flat iron/curl thing for Bethany.  It's sort of nice when they are old enough to just text the link of what they want.
I adore this picture of Faith wrapped in her deck coat and blanket (a family gift from my brother's family) holding her Bob Ross Chia Pet.  I think this is the image of 13 year old Faith I will keep in my mind.
And this picture of three Foxy Ladies. PAUSE!
Make that FOUR Foxy Ladies.
And for the saddest/funniest moment of the morning-- when Greta was heartbroken to discover that the "unicorn" cereal (the Lucky Charms) were not for her.  She was left with Baby Shark cereal.  I think she wanted both. 
Cannon gave George a deck of Magic cards.
Coolest gift was these personalized mugs from Philip and Katie's family (Abe's brother and sister-in-law).  Katie is so creative and talented!  They are the perfect size mugs.  It's pretty much the only dish Clark took with him to his apartment in Provo.  He says he can use it for everything.
Poor Clark-- Christmas was probably somewhat of a let-down for him.  When he got home a couple weeks earlier he got new clothes and a phone and car to drive (thanks to my other brother).  So he was sitting rather pretty.  On Christmas morning he got a laundry basket, towels, and bed sheets.  Tim to adult:)
A second piano is a luxury... but one I think our family has earned!  It's already been put to good use.
Christmas morning mayhem is the best kind of mayhem there is.
She has three older brothers, so she wanted Bakugans.  She's the youngest, so she gets whatever she wants.
Moments just like this were what I missed for the last two years.
Abe made his traditional British friend breakfast. 
We love to have Grandpa join us. 
He's so proud of himself!
Honestly, living with Abe in December-- or really any month--is like living with the Ghost of Christmas present.  He loves Christmas and tradition. 
And I love it and am grateful for him and his enthusiasm for life. 
This picture IS Christmas 2019 at the Fox's Den. 
It was good.  Really good.

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