Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Younger Kids Christmas Party 2019

The big kids had so much fun with their Christmas party-- and we had plenty of supplies left over-- so the younger kids repeated the party on Monday the 23rd.  
This was George's team-- Oli, Taylor, George, and Dallas.  
This will be a fun group to watch grow up.
And these guys-- oh my!  They will all turn 12 this year (except Hayden, who is already twelve).
Their "Zombie Apocalypse" was.... well... it was just what I would have expected from them:)
Kate, Tristin, and Emma.  They created a very solid entry.
And they are just adorable!
Faith and Brinley
They were the most detailed and careful.  They won the overall award with "Best Use of Theme"-- "Santa's Workshop".
Peter and Eric were a team.
Elinor was their helper.  
I was the helper for Greta and Aly. 
Our house won "Best Gingerbread House Made By a Mom".  I felt so honored.
Clark and Bethany were the judges.  Each team got a minute to tell the judges about their creation.

It's fun to see the younger kids following the example of their older siblings.  
Action packed!

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