Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Little Bit of Everything

Shortly after the his dance recital, George took a flying leap off a trampoline and tried to clear a table.  He missed and caught himself with his hand and sustained a minor buckle fracture.  Lucky for him, he didn't have to get a cast, but can just wear a removable brace. 
Faith played sidewalk chalk with Greta.
Cannon is in the middle of week 2 of 3 for summer workshops.  So basically he's getting his trash kicked for five hours everyday.   And he loves it.
Bethany and I took a day trip up to Logan to check out Utah State.  She is hoping to transfer there this fall.  She enjoyed BYU-Idaho, but Utah State has the major (music therapy) she is hoping to do.  She's waiting to hear back, but I don't see any reason why transferring would be a problem. 
I think she'll make a great Aggie-- Cache Valley is gorgeous, she loved the campus, and it's closer than Rexburg!  Yay!
And since we were in Logan, of course we had to pay a visit at Stratford Ranch.  They just got a new Polaris covered 4-wheeler thing (I don't even know what they are called). 
We went for a ride up to the top of the property.  So fun!
The setting is so picturesque!  I just love being up there.  And I loved having a day with my Bethany.
And while Bethany and I were gone, Abe spent a day with the little kids at Thanksgiving Point.
The butterfly is camoflauged on his hair.
The Butterfly Whisperer.
The Butterfly Biosphere is one place that everyone is happy to go.
This is how Cannon feels about Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point.  The boy has never appreciated it.
A pony ride is such a treat.
A day with Dad is good for everyone.
Clark and Alexa stopped by for a cookout.
Want to see something adorable?
They both went to Texas on missions-- Clark to Dallas,  Alexa to Fort Worth.  I'm dying, they are so cute!

They are sisters, so sometimes there are hurt feelings or short tempers.  Even so, I am happy they love each other and are there for each other.  
We recently purchased this little beauty of a car from my brother.  We've got lots of drivers needing to go lots of places for work.  It might be possible for me to drive everyone where they need to go, but I would be in the car ALL DAY long.  It's so much better when they can get themselves there and back again.
I am so pleased with how hard working our three oldest are this summer.  Well, all the time really, but especially this summer.  Clark works 30 hours a week for Natures Sunshine doing customer service.  Lucky for him, he gets to do it from his apartment right now. He's taking a full load of classes online through UVU this summer as well.  Bethany has three jobs-- nanny for my sister's kids, life guarding at JL Sorenson, and teaching swim lessons at Lifetime Fitness.  Elinor swims to two hours every morning, then works cleaning my brothers house three days a week and she teaches five hours of swim lessons everyday.  And if she has a week off of teaching at Fuller's Swim School, she substitutes teaching lessons at another private pool.  So yeah.  We don't see much of any of them.  But I am glad they are so responsible and hardworking.
I'm getting older and they gray hairs are having babies.  I've not been happy about the gray hairs, but I've also been resistant to coloring my hair.  Mostly because I've always really liked  the color of my hair.  A few weeks ago I bought a box of hair color, but I didn't do anything about it.  I was nervous.  Finally my girls dragged me into their room and said, "We are doing this right now!"  So they took care of me.  
The end result it so close to my normal hair color, that hopefully nobody has even noticed;)

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