Sunday, June 7, 2020

Cannon's 12th Birthday

Cannon  is TWELVE!!!! He is a wonderful son and life is always a party when Cannon is around.  His birthday celebrating options were somewhat limited with COVID and all, but he decided on an  outing to the skate park with his best buddies, followed by a movie in the backyard.
I think this exact grouping has been at pretty much every single one of Cannon's birthday celebrations for his entire life.  I think that's awesome!  There are definite advantages to getting to move all over and see the world.  And there are definite advantages to getting to grow up with the same people year after year.  I love that we get to watch them all grow up.
I would most likely die if I attempted any tricks at the skate park.  Even so, I love watching the grace and athleticism of so many young people there. 
Pizza at the park.
Cannon opted for brownies and icecream.
They watched Scoob!-- the newest Scooby-Doo movie.  You've got to hand it to the Scooby-Doo empire, they've done a pretty good job of continuing to reinvent themselves over the years by using the same formula over and over.  I mean, I don't think I'm their target audience, but it kept the boys interest.
We borrowed this projector from one of the boy's family.  It was so enjoyable to watch a movie outdoors.  I think we may need to invest in one for ourselves.
This is'nt from the party, but it was a fun little art project for Faith.

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