Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fun With Fox Families

We were spoiled to get to go to a movie in an actual movie theater this past Friday with Abe's brother Daniel and his family.  It was kind of spooky going into the open common area of the theaters and having it be dark and lifeless.  Kind of zombie apocalypse.  But once we were into our theater, it was glorious to have it all to ourselves.
We watched Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark.  It was SO much fun.
We each got to fill up our own drink and we got our own large popcorn.  Which meant I ate an obscene amount of popcorn, but I was in heaven.  I swear, I lose my humanity when confronted with movie theater popcorn.  I just can't control myself.  I don't even see the point of going to a movie theater without popcorn.
Elinor with her dear cousin, Gentri-- who just graduated high school!  (and Gentri's friend, Anabelle)
Clark and Alexa joined at the movie as well, which was great for Alexa to get Aunt Lori's stamp of approval! Not that we had any worries on that front.  She's delightful.
Last weekend we hung out with Abe's brother Stuart's family.  
We cooked out, but then it got quit windy. So we moved the party indoors for games.
A very loud and fun game of Secret Hitler along with all-you-can-eat popsicles.  
Then the wind died down and we headed back out for a late outdoor movie-- Karate Kid--which no joke, is one of my all-time favorite movies.  It's the perfect movie for all ages and genres.  
Love that Ralph Macchio.
Greta fell asleep during the movie.  Greta wears lot of strange combinations of clothing and we pretty much let her wear whatever she wants because she is the youngest.  Here she has on her swim suit under her gymnastics leotard.  STYLE!

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