Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Wasatch Arts Dance Recital Spring 2020

Peter and Greta did end up having a spring dance recital-- the studio did 8 mini recitals.  They did the pictures, dress rehearsal, and recital in about 45 minutes.  Yes, please!  Can we always have it that simple?  No, I don't really want that-- we missed seeing the other dances and kids in our neighborhood.  I was impressed Wasatch Arts Center was able to put some sort of recital experience together.
This shirt.  Peter hated this shirt.  I don't blame him.  It was itchy and uncomfortable and sparkly with sequins.  When the recital was done I just handed it back to Ms. Alice (even though we'd bought it) and said, "Peter will never want this for dress up, so save it for another kid someday.  Peter approved of that choice.
Greta improved so much from the beginning of the year.  She really enjoyed her little class.
There were twice this many kids in the class-- but with Covid and the accompanying changes, only these four did the recital.  Here is their dress rehearsal video:

George and Peter ended up being the only ones in their hip-hop class-- although once again, before Covid there were several more boys in the class.  So they had an awesome brothers duet.
What a little looker!
This ballet boy is pretty good at hip hop as well.
So cool.
Here is their hip-hop video

I like this picture of George.  I really hope tap can fit in his dance schedule next year.
George wasn't a fan of this year's tap costume.  But it might make a nice Halloween costume sometime, so I didn't give it back.
Here's  the video.

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