Saturday, February 5, 2022

A Visit to Grandma's House

Abe and Bethany recently took a little trip to Spokane to visit Grandma Fox before Bethany leaves on her mission.

On their way to Spokane they had a layover in Paris.

  Kidding--- they were in Las Vegas.  Still, a layover in Vegas-- on the way to Spokane--- doesn't make a lot of sense.  But it was less expensive that way, and Abe wasn't going to complain about getting to spend more one-on-one time with Bethany before she leaves.

The Grand Lady herself!
I don't know how our family acquired Grandpa Fox's BYU Senate sweater, but we've had it for years.  Bethany recently found it and has taken a fancy to it.  
Bethany at Fox Hill.  She said it was so good to be back to this house on the hill where she has so many treasured childhood memories.
They and the Calls took Grandma to lunch at Cracker Barrel.
Grandma, Ruth, Abby, and Bethany
A game of pool.
Abe loves his mom.
Bethany got to facetime with her beloved missionary cousin, Talitha, in the Czech Republic.  I love how genuine the smiles are on both sides. 
Lunch with Uncle Jesse on the way to the airport to come home.

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