Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Middle of February


Cannon had a fantastic dance performance on February 15 at the Covey Center in Provo.  He was in two ballet pieces.  Family outings to watch each other perform are my very favorite.  Bethany's friend Dallin came along because Elinor had to work.

Later that same week we went with James and Andrea and family to see One for the Pot at Hale Center Theater.  Going to plays is also my favorite.   Did I mention February this year is full of a lot of my favorites?
I am not a foodie who regularly takes pictures of my food to share with the world.  But I am making an exception for these most delicious roasted carrots.  I couldn't get enough.  I want more.
As part of the theme of the dinner beforehand, there was one of those promotional money air chambers where you try to grab as much money as you can.  You didn't get to keep any actual money, but if you got enough bills, you could win a beanie.  I just so happen to love beanies, so Abe won one for me.  My hero:)
The boys really enjoy playing regular chess.  Recently Peter introduced a new kind of chess that he made up with these army figures.  I'll be honest.  I had no idea what the rules were or which guys could move which way because they all looked the same.  But I thought he was pretty cute trying to explain it to me.    
Greta and Jules are best little cousins:)
I love it when kids find a series that they can't get enough of!  The reading FIRE is lit!  These are the Wings of Fire graphic novels.
We were so excited this week when our good friend Zach opened a mission call to San Antonio Texas!  He'll leave just a couple months after Bethany leaves for Fort Worth Texas.  
I love when George is in his happy tinkering place.
Peter and his best buddy Eric are missing the same front tooth.  
Jesse and Amy are always so kind to remember Tessa this time of year and send us flowers.  
We've been getting solar panels put on our roof.  Ooh la la-- how fancy.  And hopefully economical:)
Look at this adorable hairstyle Faith did on Greta!  She may wear her own hair in a messy swimmer bun all the time, but she is really good at doing awesome hairstyles for Greta.

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