Thursday, October 19, 2023

In Which Betsy Climbs a Mountain and Learns About Life

I finally did it!  I hiked to the summit of Mt. Timpanogas!  Not by myself, mind you-- but with Clark and Abe, which made it even better.  At the end of September, Clark called me on his lunch break on a Thursday just to chat.  He is a good son like that:)  He told me he had the next day off and was planning to hike Timp by himself.  I quickly looked at my calendar and saw that, remarkably, I had nothing on the docket until 4:00 pm.  I said, "Are you wanting to hike alone or would you like some company?  I'd love to come with you".  So even though he knew I'd slow him down, he happily invited me along.  Well, I mean, I invited myself, but you know what I mean.

When I told Abe my plan, he said, "Well, maybe I want to come too!"  So it ended up being the three of us and it worked out so well.  Clark stayed the night at the house and we got up at 2:40 am and were on the trail by 4:00 a.m.

The hike is 14.2 miles round trip and estimated to take take 6-10 hours.  Our first three hours were hiked in the dark with headlamps on.  I've never hiked more than about 6 miles total, and truth be told, I am not in my best hiking shape these days.  The first few miles felt rough, and while I was totally determined to make up to the top and back down, I wondered what the toll on my body would be.

Thankfully, my body was no worse for the wear once the soreness wore off after a few days.  I loved EVERYTHING about this day and the people I was with.  I will always look back with extreme fondness and gratitude for this experience.

The whole hike took us closer to 10 hours, but who cares? Ten hours of hiking with my favorite people?  Yes, please!

 It was a joy to get to spend so many hours of uninterrupted time with Clark and his favorite element-- outdoors in nature.  It's always been where he is happiest.  He was very kind and patient with his parents who weren't nearly as quick and spry up the mountain as he was.  
For all the challenges of young adult "children", I will say, it's pretty awesome to interact with your "children" as adults.  It seems that childhood is not a comfortable fit for everyone, and Clark is definitely happier as an adult. And frankly, I am happier not having to tell him anything to do (or not do)!  He is such a remarkable person with incredible interests and talents and I enjoy him immensely.  
I love how gentlemanly Abe looks-- even in the mountains-- with his little walking stick.  So cute!
This is the backside of Timpanogos

Your hair... it's like a wolf

Name that movie!  

Correct!-- Princess Diaries
That we live in such a beautiful place-
Oh, Clark-- so tricky!
This is before the final ascent.  Dude!  I was SO cold and windy on the front side.  So much more than I expected.  In the distance on top is the little hut and flag.  
WE DID IT!!!! It was amazing!  Abe was having some altitude issues and Clark was so good as to hike closely behind him, just in case it became more serious.  Falling off the mountain would have really ruined the day.  Once we got back down a bit, he was fine.
It was so hard to smile because our faces were frozen.  I treasure THIS MOMENT!

Once we were back down on the saddle (and out of the wind) we rested and snacked for a bit before we resumed the long trek down the mountain.  
The colors on the way back down were incredible!!  Most of the foliage  was the bottom third of the hike, which was in pitch dark on our way up.  So we had no idea how much beauty surrounded us.  We could make out majestic shapes of the mountains and some trees at the start of the hike, but there was SOOO much more to enjoy-- we just couldn't see it.  I think perhaps our lives on earth are a little like this.  On our own, we are in the dark--able to enjoy some parts of it, but really only recognizing general shapes.  But when our world is lit up by Christ (the sun), it is a completely different experience for us.  And it was there all along-- we just couldn't see it.  I like to think life with God (eternal life) will be a lot like life now--only so much more!  More color, more feeling, more detail, more majesty, more joy, more sunshine and warmth, more goodness.  And I believe we can have that experience NOW!  We can enjoy life with God now through his son Jesus Christ NOW!   That "more" is here now, all around us all the time and he wants us to see and experience it.  He doesn't change the surroundings, rather, He changes us be to able to see what we couldn't see before.    

We were not alone on the trail. Some parts of the trail were rather steep and narrow.  When one hiker was headed up and another down and we met on the trail, one of the hikers needed to yield to the other.  Step off to the side and let the other pass by.  Sometimes we stepped to the side.  Sometimes they did.  Somehow, without saying anything, we all knew who needed to yield to whom.  When on a challenging place on the trail, fellow hikers recognized it and made way.  We all smiled and said hello to one another.  The most common passing greeting was "Have a good one".  Every person on the trail had a goal.  Especially on that top third, the communal goal was summitting the mountain.  We were all there experiencing the same elements and obstacles.  It was cold and windy.  It was steep.  There was markedly less oxygen.  We were scrabbling up the same rocky path.  Yet, EVERY SINGLE HIKER WAS CONSIDERATE, KIND,  PATIENT, ENCOURAGING, and GENEROUS.  And I thought to myself-- this is what we're supposed to do with each other in life.  We are all here together, sharing our mortal experience.  Sharing the trail, if you will.  When someone is in a tough patch, help them out.  Be considerate and patient.  But considerate of the difficulty of their point on the trail.  Encourage them to keep going and wish them well on their journey.  Be generous with your resources and know that everyone is here doing something hard.  Let's help each other along the way.

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