Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A New Discovery

One of the things I love most about January-- yes, I am one of those people who doesn't entirely loathe January-- is getting back on top of our homeschool.  We don't take the month of December off of school, although I have seriously considered such an approach.  It's kind of a joke in December because there are so many distractions and obligations.  So we try to keep plugging along, but it isn't pretty.  Work may get done, but it likely doesn't get corrected until January, so there is a lot of work to fix and catch up on.  By the end of January, we kind of have our groove back.  Here was a fun moment when George was building a propeller and fan project with his Snap Circuits kit and Team Middle Kids were enjoying watching how high it went. 
I like this picture of George building, Peter was doing "computer school" for the first time and was thrilled to get to wear the big headphones and Faith in the background doing her math.  Homeschool doesn't always look this good, but when it does, you know I'm going to take a picture!
The funniest moment of my day was when Elinor was working on her chemistry and she made some connection in her mind that made several things make sense to her.  She gets so excited at moments like this and she was convinced (somewhat jokingly) that she now knew how transportation worked!  She was so enthusiastic that she began sketching her theory onto a white board to show the boys.  They were fully on board. 
Peter said to her, "Elinor, I want you to transport me!"
Els responded, "Okay.  I need 7 billion dollars... ... and more time."
She cracks me up.
 The little ones adore her and with good reason. 
For years the kids have joked that the kids in our family are going to get cells phones at younger and younger ages.  Thus far, their prediction has been true.  Clark got one when he was 16. Bethany was 15. Elinor was 14. Faith was 12. And now Cannon uses the old flip "kid phone" as his own because he is gone from home at rehearsals so much. 
And now Greta at only 2:)

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