Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Going Out in Public

When last we met, I was bemoaning the challenges of cutting the emotional apron strings with my older children.  My solution this week?
Focus my energies on the younger kids. 
For quite some time (pretty much since Peter's birth), I have detested any form of "field trips".  You know, that means anything that resembles taking my young people out in public where they can easily escape, get lost, tantrum, or in any other various way mortify and torment me.  So now Peter is four and a half and Greta is two and a half and an exciting outing consists of riding in the car to drop someone off, swinging at the park (in a swing they cannot disengage themselves) and if I'm feeling really crazy-- a visit to the local Walmart. 
But if you can believe it, I took the children on, not one, but TWO field trips this week. 
We met up at the aquarium with a group of homeschoolers that Cannon and Faith do a weekly science class with.
 Greta checking out the python.  I have spent far more time observing and appreciating snakes in my life than I ever thought I would.  I don't really want to hold them, but they don't freak me out.  I am intrigued by them.  And I am somewhat of a snake and reptile expert thanks to raising Clark. 
Speaking of Clark-- he's is doing fabulous on his mission and I may or may not have gotten teary-eyed when I looked at this beautiful lizard.  He would have really appreciated this lizard, so I tried hard to appreciate it in his behalf.
I could swear we are raising Clark and Bethany all over again. 
Here's a little video of the two of them.  Note Peter is hesitant to perform for anyone.  He has a look that suggests he isn't terribly impressed with the powers that be around him.  He is a powerful soul, and his world is a serious place where he must maintain control. Greta is smiling, happy, full of optimistic energy.  Her world is a beautiful place where she is loved and adored by all. 

For having such different world views, they get on quite well together.  Let's hope it stays that way.
Sometimes Cannon reminds me so much of Clark, but he does lack Clark's love for the great outdoors and all creatures great and small. 
Elinor came with us on this outing and she loved exploring the touch pools.  She was quite daring and those long arms were very useful to stretch and reach all the aquatic critters. 
The second field trip of the week was to the Museum of Natural Curiosity today, which can best be describe as a giant, educational, playland.  We met up with the Schramm Fam and I had lovely adult conversation with my dear friend while the children had a grand time playing, building and otherwise stimulating their brilliant little minds.  It wasn't too crowded, no one ran away, got lost, tantrumed, or otherwise mortified or tormented me. 
January FIELD TRIP for the win!  

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