Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sledding is the Best

It is there anything more wonderful that happy children sledding on a beautiful, clear winter's day?
I'd like to take this moment  to celebrate that I got our entire family, minus Clark, outfitted in complete snow clothes.  Count it:  That's 9 pairs of snow pants (that all fit), 9 pairs of boots (that all fit), 9 pairs of gloves (that all fit and were waterproof!), 9 hats, 9 winter coats.  CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!?   Now, I'm just saying, you can't feel that bad about how you're doing in life if your entire family has complete snow clothes.  I feel very rich, indeed.
We have a couple extra boys in this picture that we brought along for the fun.
We also met up with the Lee family-- they are only about our favorite people in the world!  But a lot of people feel that way about the Lees.
Big sisters with their little sisters.  Lucky girls-- them all!
While not the world's biggest sledding fan, Elinor had fun somewhat against her wishes:)
What a nice big sister she was to pull Peter up the hill.
We need more snow so we can do more sledding!

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