Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Happy 44th Birthday, Abe!

Saturday night we were treated to a DELICIOUS prime rib dinner at my parents' house.  Several siblings feasted along with us.  It really was so lovely to enjoy everyone's company, but also to enjoy such a nice meal that we neither paid for, nor prepared ourselves. 
You probably know Abe's dedication to taking pictures of everyone and everything.  I loved how when we were all singing him "Happy Birthday", he was videoing the event.  Ha ha!
But for the record, I had it covered:)
Our dear friends, the Johansens came over for dinner and games to celebrate.
Bethany and Rachel did the wishbone honors. 

We are in an extremely busy phase of life.  Just when I think life could't possibly get any fuller, it does!  And Abe continues to sacrifice so much for our family.  He is always happy and willing to pick up or drop off children to their activities.  He gets up early in the morning and stays up late to listen to the teenagers at night.  He works hard and fulfills his church callings.  We are so blessed to have him lead our family.  Happy birthday, Abe!

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