Friday, November 29, 2019

Christmas Came a Little Early

Do you know what this means??  This means Clark will be home before my milk goes bad!!!!!!
Mind you, milk never has a chance to go bad in this house because we always drink it before it could possibly expire.  Nevertheless, theoretically, Clark's missionary service will expire before this milk does.  HOW WONDERFUL!
Clark had his final Mission Leadership Conference a couple weeks back.  We are so excited to get to know the new and improved Clark after the experiences he has had the last two years. 

And because Clark is coming home, and we have such an exciting and full holiday season, and because Thanksgiving is late in the month this year, we decided to get on our holiday cheer sooner rather than later.  We threw caution to the wind and started celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving. 
In the words of Lucy Van Pelt from Peanuts, "What about the Christmas Queen, hmm?"  We're so lucky to have our very own Christmas Queen, who calls the shots and makes sure Christmas is done right! And in the words of William Shakespeare, "Though she be but little, she is fierce!"
They cut snowflakes.
They put up the tree.  I didn't get pictures, but we even made masses of yummy gingerbread cookies and took them around to neighborhood friends.  The funny thing was almost nobody was home-- we were trying to share our Christmas cheer, but I guess people just weren't ready yet!
Greta had her cousin Juliette over to play for a few hours on Monday.  They were so excited to both be wearing cat shirts.   It's the little things.
Impromptu family dance parties make like much better.  Elinor is a big Kpop fan.  I do not judge you if you don't know what Kpop is.  I sort of wish I didn't know.  It's Korean pop music.  Elinor LOVES all things Asian.  She sometimes refers to herself as the "Caucasian Asian".  She dreams of an Asian modeling career.  Asian dramas are her favorite shows.  So, anyway, Elinor is the inspiration for this Kpop dance party. 
They are too much fun.

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