Sunday, November 17, 2019

Leaves Are Falling All Around

A couple summers back we chopped down our huge, dying tree in our front yard.  When I say we, I mean our hardworking, resourceful, knowledgeable  friends, the Schramms, let us help them cut down our big tree.  You'd think the amount of leaves would have markedly decreased, but it doesn't seem that way.  I swear, the leaves just keep piling up!  But there are some advantages to lots of leaves.  Leaves make for the best fall play!
I love this picture of Peter belly flopping in a big pile.
 Cannon takes off.  I love George's cheering expression.
The ever brave and daring George.  Note Cannon the photo bomber.
Faith helped Greta jump.
Jumping off the trampoline into a pile is great fun.
Side note about Peter's clothing.  He and I recently purchased his shirt and pants at Savers.  He loves them and doesn't want to wear anything else.  He only takes them off long enough for me to wash and dry them and then he finds them and wears them again. 
With the threat of winter weather on the way, it was time to rake up the leaves this week.  It was a big job!
And it was enjoyable.  It was perfect fall weather and Faith, Cannon, and George were very helpful as we filled lots of garbage bags.
 The labors of the front yard.
A couple days later we did the backyard as well. 
We knew that old tree stump had to be good for something:)

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