Saturday, December 7, 2019

This is Life and It's Good

There was a day-- it doesn't seem like it was that long ago-- that I ran around town with one boy and three little girls.  In what some days feels like an alternate reality-- nowadays, I run around town with one little girl and three boys.  Weird how that happened. 
Today was one of those days that is jammed packed from morning till evening.  I am not complaining because it was all good stuff (just a lot of it).  I just want to record days like this, because, frankly, it was impressive!  It was preceeded by a rather sleepless night as I tossed and turned, wondering how it was all going to work.  I can't take all the credit-- I did gratefully  bum a couple of rides for a couple of kids, BUT IT WORKED!!! Everyone got where they needed go.  It's a Christmas miracle!
Here is what our day looked like:
4:30 AM-- Abe left for work.  It was the last day of AEP (8 week Medicare open enrollment) He worked roughly 15 hours today.
7:15 AM--Faith gets picked up for her all day Speech and Debate tournament up at Weber State.  This is carpool ride was critical for making the day work.
8:35 AM-- I drive Cannon and George to Nutcracker rehearsal.  I take little ones along for the ride because the big kids are all gone.
8:40 AM-- Elinor gets picked up for her Silver Rush swim meet.  Once again, a critical carpool.
9-11 AM-- I teach four make-up piano lessons because I was out with a nasty head cold earlier this week.
11:30 Pick up Cannon and George from Nutcracker.  Grab some lunch at home.
12:30  Take Cannon and George to Ballet West Academy for Nutcracker pictures and George's contemporary class.  Take Peter and Greta along, plus all their costumes and shoes and supplies for the Wasatch Arts Center Christmas recital.
1:00-2:30 Kill time at the Butterfly Biosphere with Peter and Greta.
He walked around telling all the other patrons he was the "Butterfly Master".  Who was I to tell him he wasn't?
3:20-- Swing by home and pick up Elinor.  Head to the school for the little kid's dance recital.
4:00 Enjoy the recital!
5:30-- Go home and get costumes all hung up and put away till the spring recital.
6:00-- Take the four youngest our for ice cream to celebrate.
6:30-- Elinor heads off to babysitting job
7:00-- Give Cannon, George, and Peter haircuts.
9:00 -- Abe gets home!!!!!
We're all exhausted and happy to be home!  Except Elinor-- who isn't home yet. Kudos to the super trooper children who were dragged all over, all day, and didn't melt down once.  Can't be said everyday, but I was true today and I am grateful.

Some people get low-key depressed when January rolls around and all the festivities of the holidays are over.  I am overjoyed with January arrives!  Christmas is a busy time for everyone, but when your family is big into the performing arts-- your December is not your own.  Rehearsals, performances, recitals take over the schedule. We love it all and there isn't anything we don't want to do.  It's just a lot all at once.
We are so grateful for the success Abe has had with work lately.  AND we are so grateful that he will be around a little more for a while.  The crazy isn't even close to done yet, in that Clark comes home this week and then his talk in church and homecoming celebration will be next Sunday.  Plus more Nutcracker fun next weekend.  This is life and it is so good.  

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