Sunday, September 27, 2020

Elinor Homecoming 2020

Elinor had a great time going to "homecoming" with Aidan.  I put it in parentheses because there wasn't actually a homecoming dance.  It was homecoming with an emphasis on home.  Basically, groups of kids put together their own dates and did their own thing.
Her date, Aidan, is a fellow swimmer, although for different school.  The other two boys (Easton and Cade) and the girl in the blue dress (Janie) are fellow Riverton swimmers.  I'm so glad they got to all go together.  They went on a hike during the day on Friday and then the dinner and date in the evening at Easton's house.

Easton and Aiden swim on a club team together so that's how they met.
She is a senior with a fierce, independent streak.  She is smart and the hardest working girl I know.  We love her and are so proud of her.  
One more, just cause they're cute:)

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