Saturday, September 19, 2020

Family is the Best

Twin cousins Lindsay and Lauryn recently returned home from their missions and came over to see Bethany.  I adore this picture!  These girls have always been so energetic and happy and their missions certainly did not lesson their enthusiasm for life! 

A few nights later we enjoyed visiting with the Utah adult siblings and the local college kids.   So much fun and laughter and good feelings.  On the way home we talked about how amazing it it to get to be a part of this group of people.  How you were just born into it.  You didn't do anything to earn or deserve the love and acceptance.  Rather, just because of who your parents are, you are IN and adored.  We enjoyed the comparison to our being children of our Heavenly parents.  One again, we didn't, and can't, do anything to earn our way into our heavenly family.  Just because we are theirs, they love us and accept us and value us.  
Lauryn, Bethany, and Talitha.
I love their beautiful smiling faces.  There are a few boy cousins-- but for many years, the ratio of boys versus girls fell heavily in the girls favor.
We hosted a family dinner for my family on Sunday.  Greta was excited and she did her makeup to get ready.  Hot lips!
Rosalie, Aliyah, Kaylee, and Cannon.
It was a lovely, relaxing evening with people we love.
A neighbor was giving this volleyball net away for free.  George and a friend saw it and now we've been getting quite a bit of use out of it.  
We can't get enough of Clark and Alexa coming to visit.  
Peter, Eli, and George-- they are so active and playing games.  We don't really hear anything from them during family dinners.  All the cousins get along so well-- it is very rare for them to have conflict.  It makes it a joy to host them.
Several of Steve and Candee's kids came to family dinner.  We don't see them often enough and it was so nice to catch up.
And for my favorite picture of the evening! So much SASS!
Sorry about the blurry picture, but I wanted to post the picture anyway.  Abe and I went out to eat with my cousin Ben and his wife Cali.  We adore them and they are the best for a night a great conversation.
A couple nights back Abe and I squeezed in a dinner date with Clark and Alexa while Cannon was at dance.  They are pretty great:)
My very favorite family member. 

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