Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mad Scheduling Skills

Faith was overcome with joy to get her Sinatra vinyls and record player in the mail this last week.  Faith has a style all her own.  She likes what she likes and it's pretty great.  She is a delight-- funny and fiesty -- and an utter delight!

Peter and Greta bring so much joy to our family.  They are so good to each other and they are loved by so many big people in the house.  
George did a tasty science experiment melting chocolate with a magnifying glass.  Science experiments are pretty much his favorite thing.  Lucky for me, he is pretty good about figuring out what to do by himself.  Science experiments aren't my strong suit.
Greta started her dance class back up.  She likes her tumbling classes-- but she loves dance class.
Elinor was so happy to get asked to "homecoming" this week.  I say that in quotations, because there is no official homecoming dance.  It's just groups of friends putting a fancy date together.  They may have there own small dance, they'll still do a day date, dinner, and fancy pictures.  Anyway, I guess they are making do the best they can.  
She would have said yes anyway... but using a quote from Elinor's favorite show-- Psyche, was a good idea:)
My kind of gamers... board gamers.  George and Peter love to play board games together.  Lately their favorites are Life, Texasopoly, and Battleship.  
Elinor was sworn in at the Riverton City Youth Council Mayor.  It is a youth service organization in the city and Elinor really enjoys being a part of it.  
Elinor is on the far right.  Unfortunately a lot of the activities the council usually helps with aren't happening because of COVID.  Hopefully, they  will still get to do some of the traditional service opportunities.  
Abe won a major award!  
Ha ha ha!  No, but for real, he did win this TV at work,  so that's been kind of fun.  We didn't really need a new, big TV, but we'll take it!
When Abe sent me this picture he attached the message, "THIS IS NOT A DATE!"
In reality, they just gave a ride to a fellow dancer to a party another dancer hosted.  It was a back to dance party-- and Cannon, not surprisingly, is the only boy in the Jr. Dance Company.  Soooo... it was Cannon a 12 of the cutest girls in Utah County.  He led them in a game of Mafia.  And not surprisingly, he was having the time of his life.
Firefighter Greta and the boys.  Here's what I want to know... how does a four year old girl in a firefighter costume still know to pop her heel in a picture?  I guess it's the effect of having so many older sisters?  Sigh.  I get the feeling these younger kids are going to grow up too fast.
Today was a super busy day for our house-- I want to share, not to brag, but moore like when I am old and gray I want to look back and be impressed with my younger self:) Also it was quite a scheduling puzzle, but we made it work and I am giving myself a pat on the back for my mad scheduling skills!
Bethany-- volunteered at a Herriman City Princess party, worked from 12-5
Elinor-- ACT in Orem, shopping for a homecoming dress with me
Faith-- swim practice 10-12, work staff meeting at Jolleys 12:30-1:45
Cannon-- dance rehearsal 9:30-2:00, skate park with friends
Peter-- Tae Kwon Do testing 10-11
George, Peter, Greta-- late night with Chase kids 5-9
And the crazy part was that Abe had to work all day today and so it was up to me to get everyone dropped off and picked up on time.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  Go me.  That's all.

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