Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sister Fox Goes to Nauvoo-- Week 7-- Attack of the Mayflies

*In a cockney accent* Ello friends, neignbors.... bravas and sistas I should say! 

I assume the rest of you aren't swimming in mayflies. I am. I am covered in mayflies! Everything is! The doors to stores are black and brown because they are covered in hundreds of mayflies! As you walk down the street you just hear squishing and popping noises because with each step you are squashing their already dead bodies. It's pretty nasty. OH! And Trail of Hope is the worst! I mean it's the best because it is wonderful.... but as far as mayflies's no bueno. I'm convinced that the tree I stand under for trail is the birthing grounds for all the mayflies in the whole world. It's also the 8th plague that Moses had. Just in case you were all wondering. I have mayfly guts on most of my dresses because when you go to brush a mayfly off 90% of the time you just accidentally squish it. Anywayyyy! In spite of the mayflies I am doing quite well! 
I did get a little sick this week and lost my voice! Like it was gone gone! Like Kelly Clarkson "gone"! So for a few days I was pounding the meds pretty consistently and so I was feeling a little more tired then I usually do! But I am feeling healthy and quite energetic because I'm not taking NyQuil every night! And my voice is back! So all is well. 
I had the great blessing of doing baptisms for the dead inside the Nauvoo temple last Tuesday! It was soooo wonderful to be back in the temple! I just wanted to stay in there for hours and soak up the spirit. Hopefully the temples fully open before my mission is over so that I'll get to do a session in the Nauvoo temple as well!
The weather has been a little unpredictable as of late so that makes a lot of our shows tricky because they are outside! But we make due as well as we can and play it by ear! 
and we had to cancel sunset one night because half of the Nauvoo Brass Band got strep throat! It was so sad! But they are all on antibiotics now and feeling much better because the show must go on! 
I've said it before and I'll say it again! I love meeting the visitors! Before and after shows the young performing missionaries are encouraged to go out into the audience and talk with the visitors! I just love to meet new people and hear their stories! But I especially love the kids! As someone who has grown up with a lot of little siblings, I have  missed them while I've been here! But it makes it easier when I get to play with some of the kids!  
Anddd I had some very close family friends come visit me in Nauvoo this past week! It's such a blessing and a joy to see familiar faces! 
Okay and last thing! Haha my leg hurt a lot more than my pride when I totally chonked myself right off one of the wooden "hay bails" we dance with in Mississippi Mud (a song in sunset by the Mississippi)! It was super funny because one second I was stepping onto the bail and then the next I was laying on the ground behind the bail and I totally knew that the audience saw it! haha and some people came and found me after the show and told me to be careful around hay bails from now on!
So remember, kids. Don't do drugs, remember who you are, and watch yourself around hay bails!

Loveeee your mayfly gut-covered missionary,
Sister Fox

Ice cream in the Bistro (basement)
The ice cream was for Elder Jones's 80th birthday!  Our directors got him a baby Yoda... I'm not sure why lol
Late night carb load
Sister Meiss and I got matching nightgowns from the local Walmart!
I found a Baja Blast at the DoJo.
Sister Storm and I at the Smith Family Burial site.
This is Sister Reed.  I call her Sister REEG and she calls me Sister FOXY.

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