Thursday, July 8, 2021

Sister Fox Goes to Nauvoo-- Week 8--Girls Love to Dance... in the Rain!

Hello Everyone!!

If you like pina coladas (non alcoholic of course) and getting caught in the rain.... then you would have loved my week! Sister Miess and I were shopping along main street and we didn't have a car and we got absolutely soaked!!  It was a memory!

We got to do a live Zoom feed of the Trail of Hope to Japan! And we did all the songs in Japanese! It was seriously cool! At one of the stations I am the violinist that accompanies Eliza R. Snow played by sister Reed. Each station has a torch next to it and together sister Reed and I named our torch Willow Maggie Torch. one night on trail I saw a real live skunk!!! It got so close to me! I have discovered a new found fear.... skunks. I named the skunk Shirley. 
I got to performa Anna Amanda twice this week which I loveeee because it's one of my favorite shows! 

This week my morning cast got to go sing a couple sets at Carthage and there was a big youth group there! It was such a  sweet experience to sing to them in the visitors center lobby. The spirit was so strong it was almost tangible and we could physically see these youth being touched by the spirit. I am so grateful to be a part of this work. 

I am super grateful for the moments that I can find in the days when I can just sit and talk with another fellow missionary. All of these individuals have such amazing stories and strong spirits and I love getting to know them. This week Sister Black and I spent an hour on the balcony of the top floor ballroom in the cultural hall. It was so sweet to just sit and talk with her. 

Today is my companion's birthday! I have been hitting up the DoJo more than I'd like to admit! The amount of random crump that I have picked up there is unreal! But what can I say, it's not every day that the best companion in the world turns the big 2 0!!!!
I have so many pictures to send this week! So keep an eye out for my mini blog email!

Sending good vibes only! and lots of hugs!

Sister Fox
Sister Meiss and birthday party at the tinsmith.
Fourth of July outfits for church
Super Bowl Sunday food party night (they like to do themed dinner nights) with the stage, band, and tech sisters.
ALL the oreo flavors taste-testing extravaganza
No caption needed

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