Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Rolling Foxes Summer Tour-- Day 3--Welcome to Nauvoo and Happy Birthday to Clark

I am writing this as we drive toward Kirtland, Ohio.  Our time in Nauvoo was everything I hoped it would be and so much more!  Our schedule was packed full and the internet at the hotel was sketchy, so  I didn't do my daily write ups while we were there.  No matter-- I have lots of time in the car today to look back at each glorious day.  

Our second night we had a pleasant stay in Bethany, Missouri. 
Here's a little throwback Thursday for you-- Bethany in Bethany in April of 2014:)
We celebrated Clark's 22nd birthday on the road to Nauvoo.  Sadly, Alexa wasn't able to come with us, but we are very glad to have Clark here.  He's a big fan of the road trip portion of any family trip and he has been so kind and helpful and patient with the many little people clamoring for his attention.  
Clark chose KFC for lunch in Keokuk, Iowa and we had our traditional going around the family sharing what we loved about Clark.  We impressed ourselves by actually saying nice stuff instead of a Clark roast disguised as compliments:)
And then the beautiful moment I've been dreaming of when I try to strangle Bethany!  Needless to say I was very happy to get my arms around my girl!
I wasn't the only happy Fox!
First item of business-- a family picture with our Rolling Foxes t-shirts.  I'll have to post a picture of the back-- it lists the stops (the places we're visiting on our trip) on our summer tour.
Our first tour was the boot shop and print shop.  I should take a moment to give a very big shout out to Abe for the countless hours he put into planning our whole trip, but specifically, planning our time in Nauvoo.  It was a complicated endeavor because most activities, tours, and shows required free reservations.  And we wanted to fit in as much as possible. But the schedules and the number of people allowed on the tours kept changing as they got Nauvoo up and going this summer.  Plus we wanted to make sure we saw all the casts that Bethany was in.  So although the planning became a bit of an obsession for Abe, I applaud and appreciate his efforts and acknowledge it made things run very smoothly for us while in Nauvoo.  
Peter in the Heber C. Kimball home.  This is one of my favorite of the restored homes.
Outside the Wilford Woodruff house.  I don't think this one had been open on our previous trips to Nauvoo, so it was a real treat to tour it.
We got VIP treatment by getting to eat our pizza dinner down in  the basement of the Visitor's Center --"The Bistro"--with all the Young Performing Missionaries.  Usually the missionaries are on their own for their meals at their houses, but occasionally, they provide meals for them.  Monday was such an occasion.  We picked up our own pizza and were pretty excited to be invited to join them.  
I'll say a lot more about them as we go, but Bethany has not exaggerated in her emails about how wonderful these missionaries are.  They were so kind and welcoming and sweet with the kids.  
The signatures of the summer 2021 YPMs.
Before "Sunset on the Mississippi" the Nauvoo Brass Band plays some fantastic pieces, including one where the audience is invited up on the stage to dance.  I know you are surprised that Foxes jumped up to dance-- considering how shy and retiring we are:)
Greta go to be a part of a really cute part where she got to conduct the band with her balloon baton.  She was so excited.
Peter was thrilled to be chosen as one of the helpers for "Along Came Jones" in which Bethany played Sweet Sue.  So much fun! 
This is one of my favorite pictures of the day!  Peter was pretty pleased with himself.
Bethany is FANTASTIC as Sweet Sue-- so expressive, so funny, so committed.  

You just can't believe the energy of these young people.  They are giving it their all-- absolutely dripping in sweat by the end f the show.  It was inspiring!

The whole show is such a feast for the senses.  
George was overjoyed when Elder Kopff let him test out his drum set.  And then missionaries started jamming with him.  He was digging it.
I think Abe shed tears at least 10 times during this time in Nauvoo.  All he had to do was look at Bethany and and he's get emotional.  He's a tender heart and I love that about him.

We are so proud of Bethany and so grateful she is having these experiences.  What a blessing to have been able to go share in the wonderful spirit of Nauvoo and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  

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