Saturday, July 29, 2023

Betsy's Very Brave Weekend

We haven't hiked as much as I had hoped this summer-- It has been a very full of so many good things. This was a particularly enjoyable hike to Ghost Falls up Corner Canyon.

Do you see the temple in the distance?  So beautiful.
No good is complete without a good snake catch...
...or a lizard.  
George, Leland and I went climbing up some large steep boulders.  It felt very dangerous and brave to me.  Honestly, I probably had no business doing what I did, but it was fun.
Perhaps you cannot perceive the steep incline or sense the danger I faced from this picture.  But trust me--- the risk for serious bodily injury was real.  But this wasn't the bravest thing I did this weekend.
My friend Gretchen is teaching me to ride horses.  Her horse named Tigger to be exact.  I walked, jogged and loped in her round pen.  I was not complete inept, so she suggested a trail ride.
So we went on a three hour trail ride up Yellow Fork Canyon.  
It was breathtakingly beautiful and so much fun!  I loved every minute of it.  I don't know that Tigger loved every minute of it.  She got tired (I don't blame her), so we took a little short cut back to the trailhead.  This new trail was shorter but markedly steeper.  
Once again, I don't think the picture does the steep grade justice.  We're talking "Man From Snowy River" steep.  But I didn't panic and I was adventurous and brave.  But this still wasn't the bravest thing I did this weekend.

Do you want to know what was the bravest thing I did this weekend?  Like, bravest by A LOT!  It's the bravest thing I've done in a long time.  

Okay, here's the story.  When I was in Mexico with Gretchen back in May, I reverted to my Island Betsy persona.  In which I am relaxed and fearless and most assuredly lacking in judgement.  In this dangerous (but extremely enjoyable) state of mind, I received a message from "Bart" -- a fellow Texas Fort Worth missionary (and close friend of Bethany's) who had just finished up his mission and was planning his homecoming talk.  The question:  Would I be willing to sing the song he and Bethany had worked on and recorded-- "My Lord".  In truth, I LOVE this song!  It is one of my favorites she's written and Bart created the most beautiful accompaniment.   
But a SOLO??  In his ward in Draper?  BIG YIKES!  But you see, since I was Island Betsy in Mexico and not my normal self at home, I agreed.  I assure you, regular life Betsy was not amused when she arrived home to this commitment

I FREAKING AGREED!  I am NOT and will never be mistaken for a vocal soloist.  I mean, I can sing, but I do not consider myself a singer (nor does anyone else).  But for Bethany and for "Bart" (whom I also adore), I will do it.  Horror of horrors, but I will do it.  I won't really know anyone in the ward, so I'll just get up there and play the part of an amazing singer.  The trained ears will know I'm a fraud, but maybe I can convince a few that I am legit.  

My plan of anonymity and acting was a good one, and it would have worked-- except-- come to find out--- Bart's home ward happened to be our old ward in Draper where we lived when Bethany and Elinor were born.  So much for not knowing anyone and no one knowing me.  Oh well--best laid plans.  
Oh friends, it was so scary.   I will just say that it went as well as could have been reasonably hoped.  Mostly, I was relieved to have it done and I probably don't need to do that ever again.

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