Sunday, July 2, 2023

Cannon's 15th Birthday

Cannon turned 15 back in May, and you know what that means---

Another driver in training is in our midst.
He got his learners permit.
We celebrated with a breakfast date to Black Bear Diner.  My time with Cannon is always entertaining.  He amuses me greatly.
All Cannon wanted for his birthday was a big backyard party.  He planned the whole thing and he was quite pleased with how it all turned out. 
He said he wanted his birthday money to go toward the food budget.  Done.
After threatening weather earlier in the day, we were so glad for the nice weather during the party.  
He invited neighborhood friends, cousins, and his dance company friends.  
It would appear that being one of very few boys training in ballet has not, socially speaking, negatively affected him:)
The karaoke portion of the evening.  It's not really a Fox party without some bad karaoke.
The funniest moment was a karaoke to "Tequila" with dancers.
Napoleon Dynamite for the outdoor movie.  It never gets old.
Cannon auditioned for (and was cast) in Singin' in the Rain at the Scera Shell theater in Orem this summer.  The show runs from August 4-23.  It's an adult cast-- except for Cannon.  His long-time contemporary dance teacher is the choreographer and she reached out to Cannon to audition.  Between ballet summer intensive all day and Singin' rehearsals all evening, he is keeping very busy this summer.  It's good for him-- and me:)
Here is video of him preparing for his audition.  Like I said, he greatly amuses me.

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