Wednesday, May 9, 2018

It's Worth the Fight

Do you see this very non-offensive pair of shorts.  Size 4T.  Purchased at my local Savers last week.  Stretchy elastic waist.  Not tight.  Not itchy.  No bright colors.  No troublesome tags. 
Well, the same sweet, huggy, cuddly little Peter... the same one who snuggled with a sleeping Elinor on the couch last week because he loves her so much, completely lost it over having to wear the shorts.  He melted down before he had even tried then on to see if he liked them.  He looked at them and hated them.  The terror lasted pretty much all day.  He was weepy throughout the day and inconsolable at times.  By the end of the day he had recovered somewhat and admitted the shorts did have nice pockets.
Later that day he searched his drawer and found a red shirt (purchased at the same time and place) that he brought downstairs to me.  He was in raptures over this red shirt (even though he hadn't even tried it on to see if he liked it).  "Me LOVE this shirt!  Thank you for buying me this shirt! Me can't believe me have this shirt!"
It's this sort of passion and ability to love and loathe so deeply that reassures me he will grow up quite like Clark and be absolutely wonderful someday. 
So then when we got a little package in the mail from Clark this week and this little letter was addressed to Peter...
Well, you can see why I got a little teary.
Yeah.  They are both going to be just fine.  I may end up in the loony bin, but these two will take care of themselves.
Actually, he wrote such thoughtful little notes to all of them.  I can't help myself... for posterity's sake, I must share.
We loved how each letter captured his relationship with each sibling.

Oh good heavens!  It's too wonderful!  And we get to Skype with him this Sunday--- I've never been so excited for a Mother's Day in my life!!!!!!!

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