Saturday, May 19, 2018

So Close to Summer

George found a snake on our walk yesterday.  Now listen, I know most people don't like snakes and don't want them around.  I get it.   I really do.  But the power a snake has to entertain a young boy and all his friends for hours and hours and days is a beautiful thing.  The snake isn't welcome in the house-- sorry George, but it takes a will power equal to or greater than that of Clark to win that battle. 
One thing that is different about George than any of his siblings that have come before him, is his constant desire to be playing outside-- particularly riding his bike.  I find it tricky to keep tabs on George. 
Of course Peter and Greta will be their own unique individuals, but it's so hard not to think of them as Clark and Bethany's mini-me's.
They loved their outing to Farm Country last week while Cannon was at dance.  I forget how much more enjoyable taking care of kiddos is when the weather is warm and pleasant.
Not surprisingly, Peter adores the pony ride.
This was Greta's first pony ride.  She had a huge smile and laugh the whole time!
It's those little things.
Bring on summer evenings in the park!
She's having so much fun.  I think I got a little motion sickness from gently swaying in a hammock this week, so I don't know if big swinging will be in my summer plans.

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