Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day 2018-- Part 1

If it is 9:00 AM on Memorial Day, you know where you will find our family-- Wasatch Lawns Memorial Cemetery visiting the graves of our loved ones who have passed on.  With Clark being on his mission, this is the first year in his entire life that he wasn't with us. 

We meet up with my mom's brother's family, my Uncle Lane and Aunt Diane.  As much as my kids like to pretend they are put out to have to listen to more family history stories, deep down they love it!  They may like to joke about it, but they remember the same stories that are told year after year. 
My Aunt Diane, who besides my siblings and I, probably loved and misses my mom more than anyone else I know. 
Dad, Chip, and I.  We missed Brig's and Matt's families this year.  Hopefully we can have all four siblings together for a Memorial Day soon.
Greta loved all the pinwheels.
The girls with cousin Kaylee.
Sitting and listening to the stories of Amasa L. Clark.  I like how the kids don't even try to get out of listening to the stories anymore.  It's like they sort of like them... or they just know resistance is futile:)
I bet you didn't know Elinor got an eyebrow piercing...
Ha ha ha.  She didn't.  They are two strong little magnetic balls on her eyebrow.  So funny.  Nice 'tude to go with it Els!
 Have I mentioned lately how much I love having daughters?  Like, A LOT.
When we're done on one side of the cemetery we head over to another side for my dad's grandparents.  
Next stop is Valley View Cemetery where both Abe and I have relatives buried.  Here we are at my paternal grandparents grave site.
Abe and Cannon are the wonderful "Jolley Foxes" of the family-- middle name Jolley, last name Fox.  Abe's mom has the same pattern, but we didn't get to be with her today.  
Following our cemetery visits, we had a very tasty lunch out together.  The kids were happy, the adults were happy-- we had a winner!
Icecream, cotton candy, chocolate fountain marshmallows, cookie.  Where are this child's parents?  Whatever.  It was a holiday.
Bethany discovered she had a gift for making beautiful ice cream cones.  Who knew?  These little gems of hidden talents.
We love our Aunt Laura!

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