Saturday, March 2, 2019

In Which Greta Comes Home

This big, beautiful smile is what I missed most when Greta was so sick and then recovering in the hospital.  This was taken just a few minutes before she was discharged.  The doctors estimated she would be there for about a week, but her recovery went so well, she came home after five days.
Greta's favorite thing to do in the hospital was to ride, or rather, be pushed, up and down the hallway.  They let her ride it all way into the elevator and through the lobby to the front doors of the hospital where I pulled the car around to pick her up.
She liked to ride it to the ends of the hall where there were Minion "fart guns" she could play with.  Hey, whatever it takes to motivate kids to get moving after surgery.
In a small waiting area on the surgical unit, she found this little pink piano.  She loved it so we brought it to our room for her to play on.  I'm not going to lie-- it made me very happy that she took to the piano with such enthusiasm:)
It was so nice of so many to bring her little gifts and toys to play with.  It's like Christmas in February!  It might create a little monster in March, but she sure enjoyed her presents.
She loved the couple of times she got to go play in the incredible playroom.  Here she is making slime with Bethany who came up for a visit on her last day.
She didn't totally love it when we had visitors and she would say, "You guys, please stop talking!"  At least she said please:)
By the last day and half she was getting pretty ornery with all the medical personnel.  She would say, "Just leave me alone!" and did not want them to touch her.  When the surgeon came in to give the okay to go home she squeezed her eyes shut tight and wouldn't look at him.  But really, who can blame her?  She got poked and prodded a lot and she had had enough!
It is stating the obvious to say I am so relieved she is doing so well.  As if she wasn't the favorite child already!  Way to secure your spot, Gret!
She was so relaxed and happy to be home.  She wore a permanent smile almost all of Thursday evening.  She has been eating, and sleeping, and pooping (that's important!) great and now she just goes back in a couple of weeks for a follow up visit, but it's looks like she'll be good as new in just a few short weeks-- just a little skinnier for a little while.  That happens if you don't eat for a week. 

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