Sunday, March 24, 2019

Things Get Broken

It was just about a month ago that Greta had her emergency surgery to remove the bucky ball magnets she swallowed.  YIKES!  One month already?  It feels like it was about a week and a half ago.
The last month has passed by so quickly and I feel like I have barely had time to catch my breath.  I haven't eaten very healthy, I haven't exercised very regularly, and we've had too much going on.  Not a good combination for my mental well-being.  I've felt off ever since Greta's hospitalization.  I am really going to try to be diligent this week in doing the things that I know help me feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually.   One of those things is writing on this blog-- so I'm giving myself the gift of the some time to look over the past little while and write about what's been going on.
Elinor had a piano recital a couple weeks ago that was part of the preparation for her Federation performance.  This is where she works really hard for several months memorizing a couple different pieces and then performs them for judges who give her a score.  The recital went pretty well and she was working hard to perfect the pieces for Federation this weekend.
When all of a sudden.....
...she broke her finger at water polo practice on Thursday.
One of the JV boys fired a shot and it hit her finger just wrong to jam it and break a chip off the left third finger at the middle knuckle.
She texted me from school that it was a rough day of practice-- hurt her finger and took several head/face shots in the goal.  She sent me a picture and it looked so much like Faith's broken finger last summer.  I told her we'd better go get an x-ray.   We were still hopeful it was just a sprain, but the Dr. took one look and said he'd be surprised if it wasn't broken.
In good news, it is a small avulsion fracture-- meaning, a little chip of bone broke off.  The Dr. said it will heal of nicely, but no piano for a bit and not water polo for at least a couple of weeks-- maybe more depending what the hand specialist says.
It's a bummer when the water polo team loses their goalie.  But it was about to get worse for the team.  The very next day at practice another gal got a gash on her eyebrow from a collision with another JV boy and she ended up with five stitches.  She's out until she gets her stitches out.
I drove the sick bay to the game on Saturday so Elinor and Savannah could cheer on their team.  Sadly, several other team members were on a choir/orchestra trip, so they had to bring up several girls from the 14U development team (they are awesome girls, though!)
But it was about to get even worse.
After the game on Saturday, one of our team captains got her toe caught by a door in the locker room and it ripped off her big toe-nail.  She ended up need to have a small surgery and will be in a boot for a while-- so she's out!  Three players in three days.  Admittedly, not a good week for the JV girls water polo team.
A couple weeks ago Faith was doing warm-ups at a swim meet and she got kicked in the mouth and chipped a tooth.  I've never chipped a tooth, but according to Faith it is quite painful.  I will take her word for it.
Thankfully a chipped tooth is taken care of much more easily than a broken finger.
Greta had her way with the flowers on the counter.
Luckily, nothing got broken here, but there were threats.  On a day when Cannon just had too much to say and would not-- or could not-- stop talking.   I had to help him be quiet with a little tape on the mouth.  Clearly, it was very upsetting to him.  Actually, it wasn't upsetting enough... he just kept talking through the tape.  

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