Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Pinewood Derby and Will of Steel

George and his buddies at the recent Pinewood Derby.  How cute are they?
A good moment for George's car.  I won't keep you in suspense... Cannon and George's cars finished very middle of the pack.  Which Abe considers a victory.  Yeah, ...making pinewood derby cars isn't really his "thing"... so winning isn't really the goal.  Not being completely embarrassed is a far more realistic expectation.  Then everyone is happy-- the boys are happy because they didn't lose and Abe is happy the whole thing is finally done.
Cannon and Jake-- they are the old guard in Cub Scouts these days.  Weird how that happens.
Perhaps more than any other of our children, George loves playing with his friends.  And we couldn't hope for better little friends for him.
Oh. My.
Let's talk about this picture.  This was a couple weeks ago.  I wasn't at the Pinewood Derby-- it was a divide and conquer kind of night for Abe and I  (as are most nights).  But do you see the look in Peter's face?  It's a look I see a lot and even more frequently as of late.  With Greta's surgery and busy schedules, Peter probably isn't getting the attention he needs.  He's not one to just slink into the background; rather he makes his wishes known--- LOUDLY.  He hasn't been very satisfied with life lately.  Yesterday I took away his binder of Pokemon cards (one of his beloved possessions).  I told him I would give it back to him the next day, if he didn't cry in a tantrum anymore that day.  Bless his heart he tried so hard and even saw moderate success.  So this morning, bright and early, he asked for his cards back. 
Darn it all!  I could not for the life of me remember where I had hid them!!!!!  NOOOO!!!!  I looked, I prayed, I stalled.  I told him I would have to think on it for a bit till I remembered.  I started working on some scheduling for the week.  He came to me and said, "MOM!  I know scheduling is important, but so is looking for my cards.  That is what you should be doing!"
Ooh, ouch.
So I looked again.  Finally, I found them so all is well I suppose. 
I will say about Peter, that he just does not give things a rest.  When he sets his mind to something, it cannot be swayed until desires are met.  Oh, I have seen a personality very similar to this before!  It brings me so much comfort to see who Clark has become and what he is doing in life. 
Because, seriously...it's hard to continuously be on the wrong side of Peter's will.  

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