Monday, March 18, 2019

Spring Water Polo 2019 Begins!!!!

Elinor is loving this season as the JV team goalie-- a position she has wanted, but dared not hope for.  Lucky for her, during the first week of practice, the coach told her to go practice with the goalies (the goalies for boys and girls varsity and JV have their own coach) and that was that!  She has pretty much surprised and impressed everyone with her stellar defense in the goal.  
It's pretty much my favorite thing to watch her incredible, long arms rip out of the water and block shots.  And remember, when the goalie pops way out of the water, they are not pushing off of the ground!  They egg-beater their legs super hard and propel themselves up.  It's pretty awesome to watch-- at least I think so:)
Abe and I so much enjoy watching her games.  I must mention the schedule this newly 16 year old keeps.  It is shocking!  Water polo 5-6:30 am every weekday.  Club swim team 6 days a weeks for 2 or 2.5 hours (usually 4-6 pm).  She works about ten hours a week house cleaning for my brother.  Plus one class at the high school each day.  Plus homeschool course load.  She works so hard and we're pretty amazed by her diligence.  
For Elinor it's totally worth getting up at 4:25 am every morning to get to be a part of such a fantastic team and delightful group of young ladies.   
The only thing more fun than watching ONE daughter play water polo-- is watching TWO daughters play water polo!!!! Faith is playing on a developmental team and she is getting quite a kick out of it!  She is in the navy blue with the "H" on the suit.  Hello gymnast leg muscles!!
This girl is made of seriously tough stuff!  She swims or plays polo for roughly three hours every day of the week (4-7 pm) and she would do it more if she could!  She's going to be fun to watch:)
She is looking forward to getting to know this great group of girls much better in the coming years.
She's number five this season.  Also, almost all of their games are indoors, but this was an outdoor game in March in Utah!!! Brrr.  Of course, she loved it.
It's been wonderful to have Elinor help show Faith the ropes.  These two don't always see things eye-to-eye (no height pun intended), so I'm so happy they can bond over swim caps and chlorine. 
In high school swim season we cheer like crazy for Riverton High School.  In water polo season we cheer like crazy for Herriman High School.  We are what you might call "free agents".  We like to keep our options open:)  Homeschoolers--- sheesh!

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