Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time-- eight years ago to this day, to be exact-- three little cuties had all turned eight years old within a couple weeks of each other.  They were friends, and neighbors, and all in the same church congregation.   On March 5, 2011 they all got baptized on the same day.
Savannah, Elinor, and Enoch.
The last eight years have been very good to them.  They are still in the same ward, still neighbors, and now better friends than ever. They celebrated their birthdays with a triple 16th birthday party!
They humor their mamas:)-- we were the party planning committee, after all.
I am pretty certain the other moms will agree with me when I say, I couldn't hand pick three more delightful personalities to put together.  They are all so comfortably themselves.  They love and accept each other exactly how they are.  It is a joy to be in their company.
A little reunion with other kids who used to be in their church class, but have moved to other neighborhoods.  Once a member of the Riverton 18th Ward-- always a member.
Now on to the party!  The guest started arriving and they just kept coming.  The three of them invited their mutual friends and they each invited friends that only they knew.  It worked out perfectly and there ended up being about 50 kids altogether.
Brief introductions of who was who and how they knew the birthday girls and boy.
Each mom was in charge of planning a game/activity.  Endemanos led off with Human Hungry Hungry Hippos. So much fun!
How did all the birthday kids end up on the same team?
 Stephanie (Savannah's mom) did game/skit that went off so well--- it was beyond hysterical.  Awkwardly hysterical!  Let's just say, it probably took a year off of Abe's life!  I can't go into detail here, in case I ever need to use this joke somewhere myself...
Then Stephanie led the kids in a series of flirtatious fruit and vegetable passing relays.  It was so funny watching them squirm:)
Classic pass the orange with your neck.
Oh my.. those Fox girls are so inappropriate!
Once the party goers were warmed up and a little more comfortable with each other, it was time to announce and explain the final activity of the evening.  A game near and dear to Abe's and my heart.  
Now, if you've never played this game in your youth, you mustn't judge us too harshly.  A great deal of discussion and debate went into deciding whether or not to introduce this game, to not only our children, but the children of many neighbors and friends. 
 The game is called KISSING RUGBY.  Yes, you read that correctly.  This a game that both Abe and I played in our youth.  It was the favorite game to play at teenage parties my sister and I went to in California.  Abe played it at church sanctioned activities in Spokane Washington in the 80's.  Not that that makes it okay, but I will say, this game isn't really about kissing-- although there is cheek and top of head kissing involved.  And before I go further, let it be known that this game was a HIT! 
Here's how it works.  All the boys are assigned a number.  All the girls are assigned a letter.  There is a caller and on each round the caller draws a number and letter out of a container.  There is a boy or girl sitting in the middle of the circle.  When the caller calls out a the combination of the number and letter, that boy and girl rush into the circle.  See picture above.  That boy is going to try to kiss the girl in the middle on the cheek.  Meanwhile the girl running into the middle is going to try to kiss that boy before he can get to the girl in the middle.
It ends up being a pretty intense game of tag/wrestling.  And it is hysterical.
Victory is sweet.
The sting of defeat.  My favorite is the reactions happening in the background.
Okay, I get that this looks bad.  You really just have to be there.  Here's the funny part-- his mom and I are completely busting a gut top/left of the picture-- while our children are in a kissing wrestling match.  What?  Like that is a bad thing?
Okay, perhaps seeing a video will help... or make it worse.  I don't know.
Best moment of the entire night?  Faith-- short, sweet, ferociously strong Faith taking down 6'2" Caleb.  Wait till I call X-10. I don't think he even saw her coming.

Happy birthday to three of my favorites!

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