Thursday, June 24, 2021

Meanwhile, the Rest of Us...

 Because we have been getting so many fun pictures and videos of Bethany in Nauvoo, I feel like she is sort of taking over the blog!-- not that I'm not enjoying it!   But there are still ten other members of this family.  So here's a little about what the rest of us have been up to lately.

 A little over a week ago I got Invisilign braces.  Yes-- I am almost 44 years old and I've never had braces before.  It's never really bothered me, but lately I feel like my teeth are shifting-- not in a good way-- so I decided to do it.  So far they are somewhat bothersome, but I'm getting used to it and it's not too bad.  It's estimated to take about ten months, so we'll see how it goes. 
And speaking of dental work...
Peter had shark teeth with an extra row of bottom front teeth.  The dentist said it wasn't a problem until the permanent teeth got as tall as the baby teeth.  So he wiggled and wiggled for a bit, but those baby teeth were not going anywhere anytime soon.  Well, the big teeth got as big as the little ones, so it was time for a visit to the dentist.
Fortunately we LOVE our pediatric dentist and it was a very calm, pleasant experience for Pete.  Now if only the tooth fairy can remember his/her duties this evening.
Faith is off at a BYU swim camp this week.  The house feels very different in her absence. I am enjoying a week off of the 4:45 wake up call for swim practice.  Even still, I'll be more than happy to get her back home.  I quite like her.
She was so excited to room with her good friend Jana from swim team.

Elinor went on a date recently and the activity was buying paintings from a thrift store and sort of "repurposing" the painting-- adding and enhancing the artistic vision.  Which I think sounds quite fun.  I'd be horrific at it, but it would be highly entertaining.  Elinor said she saw this painting of an eagle and immediately knew how to proceed--- she turned it into a scene from Lord of the Rings.  She hung it up in the family room and in the morning the kids were more than intrigued by its origin.
Faith at a recent piano recital.
One day last week Alexa picked up the three boys and took them down to Orem for a fishing outing and sleepover with Clark and Alexa.

Love this picture
I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to hold wild baby ducklings.  But I wasn't there, so it happened and it did make for a very cute picture.

Abe and Cannon went on a Deacons campout last Friday evening.  
Cannon and Abe left the campout extra early Saturday morning to get Cannon to his summer intensive dance classes, but he really wanted to be on the campout, so they made it work.
Cannon slept out in his hammock for the first time.
Cannon and Ryan have been hanging out a lot this summer.  It's fun because Ryan is the younger brother of Clark's great friend Bryson.  
Abe with six of his children on Father's Day
Saturday evening we enjoyed a fun night with a Cannon cousins swim party.
The kids played for hours
The adults played Code Names and enjoyed one another's company.
Brigham, Peter, and Rosalie
The next installment of the outdoor summer movie series-- The Three Amigos.  This excellent choice was enjoyed by all-- and it had none of the confusion and concern of Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
These three just graduated high school.  They were baptized together and celebrated their sixteenth birthdays together.  They've been friends since they were four years old and I am so grateful for the strength and security these friends have been for Elinor over the years.
They'll head their own ways this fall, but I will look forward to seeing their reunions when they come home to visit.
Elinor had her seminary graduation on June 6th.  Since she didn't have a high school graduation ceremony, this was sort of a big deal.  She's sort of a big deal:)
Savannah, Elinor, Josh, and Bishop Perry.  Enoch was on vacation.

Abe and several of his siblings at a graduation party for his nephew, Everett.  
Lots and lots and lots of friend time and hanging out in the backyard this summer.  
One of her first events was helping out at a princess party for a little girl with the Make a Wish Foundation.
A photographer there took this and the next couple.

I don't know-- I think Elinor is a little under dressed:)  In today's day and age and princess culture, a crown and sash just doesn't cut it:)

The snake brothers. 

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