Why is the rodeo so dang much fun? Like, seriously. Just looking through the pictures of last Saturday night at the Riverton Rodeo makes me ridiculously happy. Dad and Bev joined us and we just had ourselves a good ol' time.
One of the coolest, most inspiring things to see is the flag coming down with the skydivers while Lee Greenwood's "Proud to Be An American" blasts through the speakers. Unapologetically American and proud of it. It stirs the blood.
It's just fun to see Elinor's name as Miss Riverton.
And it was so much fun to cheer like crazy for her and her attendants as they rode around the arena following the Mayor and City Council. What can I say? I love my city!
Abe wore Elinor's cowboy hat she got at the Fort Worth Stock Yards back in March.
Grandpa telling us a story from his teen years when he wrestled a calf.
Of course George caught a hat that was thrown into the crowd. Were we surprised? No we were not. I'm telling you, the boys has radar for swag thrown into a crowd.
Some of the best moments of the rodeo are when they let the kids into the arena for a coupon grab for the youngest group or a cash grab from the cash cow for the older groups. I don't know how this activity got approved or how long it's been going on. In todays "safe spaces" culture, it's just surprising that events like these are in anyway okay. I would like to be clear that I personally DO NOT have a problem with them. In fact, I think they are hysterical and good lessons for kids get in there and get dirty and risk some injury. Am I heartless? Perhaps. Greta is in the rainbow shirt in this picture. The youngest group (Greta's) was definitely the mildest mannered.
Here's Peter's group-- chasing the live calves. Peter was unsuccessful in getting any cash off the cow. That's life.
Now, prepare yourself for the BEST picture of the evening. My apologies that it's not a bit clearer, but Abe had to really zone in on it. Ha ha ha! I'm laughing already.
I'm a horrible human being-- but look at the poor children being trampled by the hoard of other children. That's life. This is why rodeo people are so tough!
In Peter's defense, he did have shoe issues as someone heeled him and took his shoe off. That's life,
Competition was extremely fierce for George's age group. But I had every confidence in him and his collecting abilities.
He did get his hands on some cash-- unfortunately they were two ripped halves of two different dollar bills. Not much use, but at least he could claim success! His record stands.
Els and Faith quickly shared in Greta's spoils of Arctic Circle and Chick-fil-a coupons.
Abe was attempting a selfie with Clark-- I like the triple foxy ladies photo-bomb.
My loves.
Surprise, surprise. George caught a t-shirt.
One more of Grandma and Grandpa with Queen Els.
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