Saturday, July 6, 2024

In Which Betsy Fan-Girls HARD

Let me tell you a little story.  The year is 1987, maybe 1988.  No matter, it is the late 80's and I am in about sixth grade.  Mr. Rawlings is my teacher at Lakeview Elementary in Colonial Heights, Virginia.  My older, wiser, cooler sister (Brigitta) is in Jr. High and discovers a band of 5 teenage boys from Boston-- New Kids on the Block.  She introduces them to me and I, too, fall hard and fast.  They were so beautiful and the music!  "Hangin' Tough", "The Right Stuff", "Please Don't Go Girl".  Are you kidding me? Enter my fan-girl era.  

In 7th grade, I had a conversation with my dad at back-to-school night in which I earnestly argued, "No, Dad.  You don't understand.  NKOTB ARE bigger than the Beatles."

After 7th grade my family was moving to California, but spent the summer in Utah with my grandparents while we waited for military base housing to become available.  Brig and I lived in a camping trailer on my grandparents' driveway.  We literally wallpapered the interior walls of that trailer with full page photos of the New Kids we ripped out of teen magazines.  Since Brig was older than me and discovered them first, she "claimed" the youngest, the heart throb, Joey McIntire.  I felt the next best looking was Jon-- so chose to focus my teenage infatuation on him.  

On a trip to the local Shopko in Sandy, and after much BEGGING, my good, somewhat indulgent mother, bought my sister and I NKOTB bedsheets.  Their beautiful smiling faces were all over the sheets and pillow case.  My dad was concerned and didn't think it appropriate for his daughters to be sleeping on their faces.  But we LOVED them so.  

On September 2, 1990 Brig and I dragged our bestie cousin Ben (my age) to a New Kids Concert in Provo, UT at the Marriott Summer.  He admitted he liked the music, but was mortified to be there with us, and hoped and prayed he wouldn't see anyone he knew.  

And then, tragically, as fast as they rocketed to fame and popularity, suddenly, they were "cancelled".  It wasn't cool to like them anymore.  I mean, true fans never lost the love--We just loved them more quietly.  And then they kind of faded all together.  They broke up for 14 years.  Then suddenly in  2008, there was a spark of life-- the band got back together.

And then, on June 29, 2024, almost 34 years after my first one, Abe took me to a New Kids on the Block Concert.  As a reward for being awesome at work, he could pick VIP tickets to any of the concerts in the summer line-up at the outdoor amphitheater.  And he chose New Kids for me.  If that's not love... 

DJ Jazzy Jeff and Paula Abdul opened.  They were a lot of fun.  
And then... all of a sudden... my teeny-bopper heart started pounding and THERE THEY WERE!  In the flesh-- in their fifties-- and performing to a huge audience, consisting of 90% middle-aged, screaming women.  
I really thought I'd be able to keep my cool and just enjoy remembering my childhood crushes.  

I was wrong.  

I kind of completely lost my mind! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!
Everything about the evening was meant to conjure up the feelings of our youth--- they effectively transported us back to 1990 when our lives were simple and neon colors were all the rage.

After the first few songs, crew members rolled out five platforms to the walkway directly behind me.  I realized "OH MY GOSH!!!! THEY ARE GOING TO COME STAND ON THOSE!!!!


And would you believe the one right by me, separated only by one measly security guard (I could totally take him down) was my chosen love?  Jon Knight.

And LOOK!  Look how close Joey is!
I am beside myself with joy!
There's Joey.  He really is still the most beautiful.  Well chosen, Brig.  Well chosen.  You might ask, "Couldn't we both have chosen Joey as the object of our affection?"  No.  It doesn't work that way.
Abe snapped this picture right after Jon grabbed my hand.  HE TOUCHED ME!  I touched one of the NEW KIDS!!!!!  

Betsy, how does your HUSBAND feel about your behavior?  Is this appropriate for a 46-year-old mother of eight?  Oh, he was fine.  As it turns out, I unknowingly picked the "actually gay" New Kid to crush on. 

 I think he enjoyed watching me cut loose and behave ridiculously

There's Jordan.  That man can SING, but he never was, and still isn't, my favorite.  I kind of get a little bit of creeper vibes from him.  But he is Jon's brother in real life, so I must respect the family.
Speaking of creeper vibes...

The whole experience was nostalgia on steroids.  But I will say this-- they have a new album out-- Still Kids (so clever of them) and it's quite good.  At least, Abe and I really enjoy it.  
Did I spend $48.00 on a t-shirt?  Why, yes, I did.  Am I ashamed of myself?  Nope.  Not even a little bit.  I will treasure that shirt and wear it to the next New Kids on the Block concert I go to.  Please let it not be another 34 years!

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