Saturday, July 6, 2024

Moms Can Walk on Fire

Round abouts Mothers' Day I did my first fire walk. Kind of strange activity-- but also strangely empowering!
The evening consisted of several activities aimed at helping each of us grow and understand what we are capable of.  Exercises to help us shed unwanted emotions and thoughts and invite those we do want. 
Was it hot?  Yes.  Did it burn your feet?  No.  Would you do it again?  Yes.  Did the evening accomplish it's purpose?  Yes.  How did you get involved in this?  My friend Andrea is a firewalk instructor. 
This was taken just as I finished my first walk.
This was actually Abe's second firewalk.  He and Clark did one a while back.

We built the fire by placing a log representing our intention for the evening.  Abe and James were the fire builders/tenders.

Here is a video of Andrea and I walking together I insisted I go in front, cause she would walk too slow!  
I love how Andrea invites everyone around her to join in her adventures.
This was freaky, but cool.  Breaking an arrow with the metal tip placed on the soft spot just above your sternum.  Apply pressure and then it breaks-- without stabbing you.  
I also walked on broken glass and broke a board-- TaeKwonDo style.  

Faith graduated seminary and celebrated with Bishop Rupp.
Yay!  Four down, four to go!
Faith and Justin were the only senior in our ward. Faith is exactly one day older than Justin. A fact she has been pleased to remind him over the years.
And it was nice to celebrate with the Shaw family, as our families have been great friends for many years and our children have been great friends.
The boys got turtles. *sigh.  They make these deals with Abe and then Abe helps them make sure all little critters are fed.  I only involve myself if I can smell them.

Little girls and their art projects.
Peter came home from a cousin's summer kick-off party and was ecstatic to tell us that, for the first time, a girl asked for his number.  Of course, he had to tell her, through her friend, that he didn't have a number.  Ha ha!  Since then, he has gotten a Gabb phone.
A pickleball outing with the ladies.
A hike with Faith to Ghost Falls on a VERY hot day.  Loved it!

A little slug friend.
Greta helped Abe plant the traditional Mothers' Day marigolds
This picture was taken a couple weeks after Mothers' Day because we had to wait for Ben and Bethany to get home from their official honeymoon to Alaska.  They loved it.
Elinor's first Mother's Day-- and look at Daniel!!! Could he be any cuter??? He is such a happy, active little guy.

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