Rah! Rah! AMERICA!!!!! We love, love, love the Riverton Rodeo.
At the beginning of the summer, I created a three-page document entitled "The Fox Family Summer of Fun". We called an all-family meeting, where I passed out copies of the plan that included, dates, times, priority of attendance, time-sensitive events requiring immediate RSVPs for tickets, etc.
Not surprisingly, everyone wanted in on the rodeo. But Clark couldn't go the night everyone else could go, but he still really wanted to go. The solution? Just he and I went on a rodeo date the first night. I don't have the words for how much I enjoyed this evening with my eldest. I'm sorry to say we were at odds all too often in his childhood. I wish that hadn't been the case, but I am so grateful for the relationship we have now. He's awesome and I adore him and love spending time with him.
The newly crowned Miss Riverton is also super awesome and a great friend of Bethany's. Of course, I had to get my picture with the queen. It's pretty much tradition:)
The skydiver flying in the American flag, to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" blaring on the loudspeaker--- That is really living!
My Clarkie. We are also almost birthday twinners. His birthday is just before mine, so as adults, we often pick a way to celebrate our birthdays together.
The newly crowned Miss Riverton is also super awesome and a great friend of Bethany's. Of course, I had to get my picture with the queen. It's pretty much tradition:)
The skydiver flying in the American flag, to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" blaring on the loudspeaker--- That is really living!
My Clarkie. We are also almost birthday twinners. His birthday is just before mine, so as adults, we often pick a way to celebrate our birthdays together.
This year we decided to celebrate with a family outing to an escape room.

We were victorious? Pshaw! Of course, we were--many thanks to Clark and George. No thanks to me. Although, I do think it was helpful that George encouraged us to watch a Mark Rober youtube video about how to beat an escape room.
Arctic Circle-- it's our go-to post-event celebration local.
Clark-age 25 and me (Betsy)-- age 47.
I'm so glad we have these last two littles in our family.
More of the skydivers and the flag.
I love this picture...
But I really love this one. Abe snapped this one of my dad (retired Army) saluting the flag.
Four Foxy Ladies
I have visions of myself as an old person looking through this blog and reminiscing about my life. This is one of the pictures that will bring me great joy in my old age.
I love Ben (Bethany's hubby) for lots of reasons-- one of them is his camera and photography skills. He captured the following pics of Greta at the rodeo---
Chasing the cash cow. This isn't dangerous at all---
There she is, front and center showing off her cash grab.
One other fun thing about the Rodeo this year, Bethany auditioned to play the National Anthem one of the nights on the violin, but they really prefer vocalists. But they did ask her to play it on the Monday night three-man sorting event. It draws a much smaller crowd, but it was still so fun to go hear her. You, too, can hear her play it here.
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